
What is Ohn pesticide?

What is Ohn pesticide?

Description. OHN is a natural pesticide and insect repellant used to optimize the resilience of plants to environmental stresses.

How long can Ohn be stored?

Once you have each of your five spice extracts prepared, you can combine them in equal parts to create the final OHN liquid. Stir the mixture with a stick or wooden spoon and store loosely covered for up to 12 months in a cool, dark place.

How do you use CalPhos?

Mix 2 tablespoons of CalPhos with 1 liter of clean water. In severe cases, double the dosage. Application: For Animals – mix with drinking water using the same dosage 2 times a week.

What is IMO in agriculture?

In natural farming, Indigenous Microorganism (IMO) is becoming popular among farmers. This Indigenous microorganism (IMO) has been successfully tried by government agriculturists, academic researchers, non-profit organizations and farmers alike.

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What is the purpose of Ohn?

The oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN )is a very important input in Natural Farming. It is made from herbs which are full of energy and function to increase plant robustness, to sterilize and keep plants warm. OHN revitalizes crops and activates their growth.

How do you make Ohn?

OHN is a mixture of edible, aromatic herb extracts….Procedure:

  1. Skin the garlic and ginger (or any combination of herbs of your choice) and cut garlic cloves in half and slice ginger into quarter of an inch.
  2. Mix the sliced herbs with 1 liter of molasses.
  3. Cover the mixture tightly and seal the container with masking tape.

How long does Calphos last?

You will notice bubbling as this process converts the ingredients to liquid calcium phosphate. Seal the jar and ferment for 20 days.

What is the difference between EM and IMO?

EM and IMO are all products of natural farming and have beneficial effects both on the soil and the crops. Notwithstanding, there are differences between them. In terms of number and types of microorganisms found in them, EM has more microbes than IMO.

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What is IMO fertilizer?

Korean natural farming is a self-sufficient farming system that involves the culturing of indigenous mi- croorganisms (IMO) – bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and protozoa – in place of inorganic fertilizers to produce fertile soil.

What is FAA agriculture?

One such emulsion, fish amino acid (FAA), is produced by fermenting fresh fish by-products (bones, head, skin, and other tankage parts) with brown sugar.

What are different kinds of organic concoctions?

The first day of the training includes the discussion of the 6 types of Concoctions and Extracts: (1) Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO), (2) Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), (3) Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ), (4) Fish Amino Acid (FAA), (5) Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN), and (6) Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS).