
What is Pax Vobis?

What is Pax Vobis?

In Christian liturgy, “the Pax” is an abbreviation of the Latin salutations “pax vobis” (“peace to you”) or “pax vobiscum” (“peace with you”), which are used in the Catholic Mass and Lutheran Divine Service.

How do you spell Pax vobiscum?

Latin. peace be with you.

What case is Vobis in Latin?

NOTE: ‘cum’ is a preposition used with the ablative case; when used with the pronoun ‘vobis’ (the ablative of ‘vos’), the preposition is joined to the end of the pronoun: vobiscum, ‘with you’ (pl.); – species vobiscum verae sunt, the species with you are true.

What is the meaning of Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum?

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum. The peace of the Lord be with you always.

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What is the response to Pax vobiscum?

“Pax vobiscum” is usually seen without the “et”. It is a greeting by the priest in the Catholic Latin Mass, meaning “Peace (be) with you”. The congregation’s reply is “Et cum spiritu tuo” – “And with thy spirit”.

What case is EI?

Declension of Latin Personal Pronouns

Case / Person 1st sing. (I) 3rd pl. (they)
NOM ego ei, eae, ea
GEN mei eorum, earum, eorum
DAT mihi eis
ACC me eos, eas, ea

How do you respond to Pax vobiscum?

The response is Et cum spiritu tuo, meaning “And with your spirit.” Some English translations, such as Divine Worship: The Missal and the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, translate the response in the older form, “And with thy spirit.” Eastern Orthodox churches also follow this usage, although the episcopal and …

What is the religious meaning of Pax?

Pax, in Roman religion, personification of peace, probably recognized as a deity for the first time by the emperor Augustus, in whose reign much was made of the establishment of political calm.

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What gender is EI in German?

Many feminine nouns end in: -heit, -keit, -schaft, -ung, -ei. Masculine German words referring to people can be made feminine by adding -in in the singular and -innen in the plural. Numbers used in counting are feminine….2 Feminine nouns.

Feminine Ending Example Meaning
-ei die Bäckerei bakery