
What is phenylalanine and is it bad for you?

What is phenylalanine and is it bad for you?

Phenylalanine can cause intellectual disabilities, brain damage, seizures and other problems in people with PKU . Phenylalanine occurs naturally in many protein-rich foods, such as milk, eggs and meat. Phenylalanine is also sold as a dietary supplement.

What is phenylalanine used for?

Phenylalanine is used for depression, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and a skin disease called vitiligo. Some people apply it directly to the skin for vitiligo.

Does Coca Cola contain phenylalanine?

Some of our reduced and no sugar, no calorie drinks like Diet Coke and Coca‑Cola Zero Sugar are sweetened with aspartame, which contains a source of phenylalanine, and so all our products are carefully labelled to make this clear.

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What happens when phenylalanine accumulates in the body?

Phenylalanine is an essential nutrient, but some individuals are born with a genetic disorder, phenylketonuria (PKU), that prevents them from metabolizing phenylalanine, and, if untreated, phenylalanine accumulates in the body, becomes converted into phenylpyruvate, and the individual usually develops seizures, brain …

How is phenylalanine toxic to the brain?

The high plasma phenylalanine concentrations increase phenylalanine entry into brain and restrict the entry of other large neutral amino acids. In the literature, emphasis has been on high brain phenylalanine as the pathological substrate that causes mental retardation.

Does phenylalanine cause anxiety?

DL-phenylalanine may cause symptoms of anxiety, jitteriness, and hyperactivity in children. Doses higher than 5,000 mg a day may be toxic and can cause nerve damage. High quantities of DL-phenylalanine may cause mild side effects such as nausea, heartburn, and headaches.