
What is real name of Nanno?

What is real name of Nanno?

Chicha AmatayakulGirl from Nowhere
Nanno/Played by
Chicha Amatayakul as Nanno, a girl with mysterious powers and an enigmatic origin.

How old is Nanno?

Despite her role as a high school student in Girl From Nowhere, Kitty is already 27 years old IRL.

Is Nanno a real person?

While it is unknown where Nanno comes from or even what she is, she is not human and uses her special abilities to expose people. She is not human, as she has shown from time to time that she has supernatural powers, that go beyond the abilities of a human.

What does Nanno represent in girl from nowhere?

Nanno can also be defined as the personification of humans’ inner darkness. She never makes anyone do anything, only eggs them on when they’re already exhibiting dark behavior.

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Who is Yuri in Nanno?

She is played by Chanya McClory a 26 year old Thai actress. From all of the foreshadowing we can see that Yuri was once a normal human girl who got entangled with Nanno and is now a non-human entity just like Nanno.

How old is Kittychicha?

28 years (August 5, 1993)
Chicha Amatayakul/Age

Is Nanno still immortal?

The gritty series follows a teenager named Nanno (Chicha Amatayakul) who transfers to different private schools and exposes the lies and secrets of both its students and staff. Eventually, Nanno’s true identity is revealed: She’s an immortal being whose purpose is to punish humans for their wrongdoings.

Who killed Nanno?

In episode 4 she sees Yuri and her Mother, freezing in the process. This is ultimately a lovely bit of foreshadowing as we see this is Nanno’s downfall in the finale. Nanno’s death comes at the hands of Waan, who stabs her numerous times in a blind fit of rage.

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Why did Nanno not heal?

Throughout JennyX and The Judgement, we can see that Nanno has begun to empathise with her targets, thus resulting in her weakened insta-healing powers.

Why is Yuri after Nanno?

From all of the foreshadowing we can see that Yuri was once a normal human girl who got entangled with Nanno and is now a non-human entity just like Nanno. She was created when she gulped in some of Nanno’s blood in the process of being drowned in the tub where Nanno’s body was placed in episode 4.

Is Nanno based on Tomie?

Besides Kanako, Nanno also has similar devilish traits to Tomie, the titular star of the Japanese horror manga series, Tomie. Netizens have even started a thread on their identical sinister traits. Like Nanno, Tomie displays succubus-like features throughout her story.