
What is SafeMoon Cryptocurrency?

What is SafeMoon Cryptocurrency?

SafeMoon is a cryptocurrency token that was launched under BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain. In the blockchain ecosystem, there are decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and centralized finance (CeFi) platforms.

How much Safemoon can 100 dollars buy?

If you have a hundred dollars, you’ll be able to buy 62.5 million Safemoon coins.

How many SafeMoon coins are left?

SafeMoon currently ranks 202 on coinmarketcap with a market capitalization of $2.9 billion and a circulating supply of 585 trillion tokens. The total supply of SafeMoon is one quadrillion tokens.

What is safemoon token (safemoon)?

SAFEMOON is a defi token launched recently in the 1st quarter of 2021. It is the native token of SafeMoon protocol, a decentralised finance startup that ensures aiding crypto bulls get to the moon in a safer manner. The platform started to add incentives for users who hold their tokens for a longer period of time.

What is safemoon (SAF)?

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It is the native token of SafeMoon protocol, a decentralised finance startup that ensures aiding crypto bulls get to the moon in a safer manner. The platform started to add incentives for users who hold their tokens for a longer period of time. On the other hand, users who sell will face a penalty as well. How to Purchase Safemoon Token?

Did safemoon just acknowledge the huge drop in share price?

CEO John Karony, claimed that SafeMoon appeared to acknowledge the huge drop, with its official account writing on Twitter: “Who said there wouldn’t be turbulence”. Who said there wouldn’t be turbulence…

Is safemoon a Ponzi scheme or a good investment?

With the help of growing coverage by the well-known press, SafeMoon has attracted huge attention. On the contrary, prominent influencers of the crypto community are criticizing it as a ponzi scheme. As per reports, it may not really be the right and safest investment choice. Reason: Owner owns more than 50\% of the liquidity and refuses to fix it.