
What is SIM and RIM in microprocessor?

What is SIM and RIM in microprocessor?

SIM stands for Set Interrupt Mask. RIM stands for Read Interrupt Mask. 2. It is responsible for masking/unmasking of RST 7.5, RST 6.5 and RST 5.5.

What is the rim function?

To get the status information about the interrupt system, RIM instruction provides status information about interrupt system and this instruction can be used for serial input of data. Through this RIM instruction, 8085 can know which interrupt is masked or unmasked, etc.

What is the function of SIM instruction?

In 8085 Instruction set, SIM (Set Interrupt Mask) instructions can perform mask and unmask RST 7.5, RST 6.5, and RST 5.5 interrupt pins and can also read their status. When SIM instruction is executed then the content of the Accumulator decides the action to be taken.

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What is SIM in context of microprocessor?

SIM stands for set interrupt mask which is handling the interrupts in 8085 microprocessor.

What do you mean by maskable and non maskable interrupts difference between RIM and SIM?

Maskable interrupt is a hardware Interrupt that can be disabled or ignored by the instructions of CPU. A non-maskable interrupt is a hardware interrupt that cannot be disabled or ignored by the instructions of CPU.

What are the different types of flags in 8085 microprocessor?

Flags register in 8085 Microprocessor

  • Carry flag (Cy),
  • Auxiliary carry flag (AC),
  • Sign flag (S),
  • Parity flag (P), and.
  • Zero flag (Z).

Why are wheels called rims?

It comes from wheels that have a big lip on the outside of the wheel. The outside of the wheel is called the RIM OF THE WHEEL. So when people have a big chrome rim of the wheel, they say “check out my rims”. originally they weren’t reffering to the wheel as a rim, they were reffering to the rim OF the wheel.

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What is true about Sim instruction?

This bit can have two values: 0or 1. If MSE bit = 0, SIM instruction is not being used for masking or unmasking of interrupts. In such a case, the LS 3bits of the Accumulator are not having any useful information. If MSE bit = 1, the SIM instruction is used for masking or unmasking of interrupts.

What is Sid and sod in 8085?

The 8085 Microprocessor has Serial Input/Output lines consisting of two pins as follows: 1. Serial Output Data (SOD) 2. Serial Input Data (SID) They both are specially made for Input/Output which is further controlled by software. The transfer of data is controlled with the help of two instructions, i.e, SIM and RIM.