
What is tachograph analysis?

What is tachograph analysis?

Tachograph analysis is the way to measure and monitor how your drivers are performing in their day-to-day driving and work duties. Tachograph analysis provides the transport manager with detailed reports, highlighting areas for attention.

What is the function of tachograph?

A tachograph is a device fitted to a vehicle that automatically records its speed and distance, together with the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes.

What is vehicle unit data?

The purpose of downloading vehicle unit data, like driver card data, is to analyse that data and look for problems. Ultimately, the point is to monitor drivers’ hours and tachograph compliance and, where there is non-compliance, to take appropriate action.

What are tachograph cards?

The company card is a plastic card similar in size to a driving licence, with a microchip in it. It is valid for a period of five years and is used only for the control and monitoring of digital tachograph information stored within its digital vehicle units.

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What does VDO mean on a tachograph?

The VDO Counter constantly displays the remaining driving time and rest periods for the driver. Meaning Drivers will always know how long they still on their break, how long their next break must be and how far they are allowed to drive after their break.

What are the tachograph rules?

Night work cannot occupy more than 10 hours of every 24 unless a collective workforce agreement is in place. Breaks must take place at least every 6 consecutive hours -30 minutes for 6 hours or 45 minutes for 9, and taken in increments of no less than 15 minutes each.

How do you Analyse tachograph data?

You can analyse analogue tachographs, digital tachograph drivers cards and vehicle units. For digital tachograph analysis with Tachomaster, the only thing you have to do is put the digital tachograph driver’s card into the card reader. Tachomaster will automatically read and instantly analyse the card for you.

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Does a tachograph record speed?

Tachographs record information about driving time, speed and distance. They’re used to make sure drivers and employers follow the rules on drivers’ hours.

What does Tacho stand for?

a combining form meaning “speed,” used in the formation of compound words: tachometer.

Can I drive without tacho card?

You can only drive without a tacho card for a maximum of 15 calendar days. The DVLA is required to issue you a new card within 5 working days, so this should not be a huge problem. You will need to wait until a replacement card is in your hand before you can start driving again.

How much does a tacho card cost?

Table of costs

Digital tachograph card fees Driver card
First card application £32
Replacement card: lost, stolen or damaged £19
Change of name and/or address on existing digital tachograph card Free
Changing GB or Member State digital tachograph driver card for your first NI digital tachograph driver card £32