
What is the advantage of using a Wheatstone bridge over a resistive voltage divider?

What is the advantage of using a Wheatstone bridge over a resistive voltage divider?

The primary advantage of using the Wheatstone bridge is its accuracy in finding the unknown (electrical resistance) value when compared to instruments like a simple voltage divider.

Why is the Wheatstone bridge better than the other methods of measuring resistance?

A Wheatstone’s bridge is more accurate than the other methods of measuring resistance because the resistance is obtained using the null method and is based on Kirchoff’s law. If one or more of the four resistances are changed, the current through the galvanometer becomes zero. This point is called the null point.

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Why is it preferable to determine resistance by the Wheatstone bridge method rather than by the direct method?

(i) The Wheatstone bridge method is more accurate than the other methods of measuring resistances because it uses null method. Hence the internal resistance of the cell and resistance of galvanometer do not affect the null point.

What benefit is there to using the Wheatstone bridge?

The Wheatstone bridge configuration is used to help measure the small variations in resistance that the sensing elements produce corresponding to a physical change in the specimen. Strain-gauge configurations are arranged as Wheatstone bridges.

What advantages does a Wheatstone bridge have over conventional voltmeters for measuring voltages?

The Wheatstone’s bridge is a very accurate method of measuring resistance. No maths. Less chance of incorrect readings. Less chance of error due to the voltmeter and ammeter connection leads.

What is the use of Wheatstone bridge class 12?

The Wheatstone bridge is used for the precise measurement of low resistance. Wheatstone bridge along with operational amplifier is used to measure physical parameters such as temperature, light, and strain.

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What are the advantages of a bridge method?

(i) It is a null method. Therefore, the result is free from the effect of cell resistance of the circuit. (ii) In null method, it is easier to detect a small change in defelection in galvanometer than to read a defelction in galvanometer correctly.

What is the advantage of using Metre bridge for finding the unknown resistance?

1. To find the unknown resistance very very accurately. directly with ammeter or voltmeter . so resistance offered by ammeter and voltmeter do not effect the readings .

Why are Wheatstone bridges used to measure strain?

Strain gages are configured in Wheatstone bridge circuits to detect small changes in resistance. The Wheatstone bridge is the electrical equivalent of two parallel voltage divider circuits. The output of a Wheatstone bridge, Vo, is measured between the middle nodes of the two voltage dividers.