
What is the answer for number 46 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer for number 46 on the impossible quiz?

The answer choices are “Best Flash ever”, “Meh”, “OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTUD”, and a picture of a person showing another person his flaming hand while the other person seems happy, or excited. The answer is “OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTUD”.

What is the answer to stop on the impossible quiz?

It might look confusing at first, but simply enough, the answer to this question is the hammer. It’s referencing the song “U Can’t Touch This” by American rap icon MC Hammer, which included the well-known lyrics, “Stop… Hammer Time!”.

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What is the answer to 44 in the impossible quiz?

What you must do is to drag the pieces around and put them together to make the picture. The piece at the upper right is not movable, as it’s nailed to its spot.

What is the answer to 47 on the impossible quiz?

What you have to do is to put your finger on the screen and move it around the screen until you put it on the button, which will then become visible again.

What is number 48 in the impossible quiz?

The question is a reference to a Game Over screen in the Metal Gear Solid series, where the Mission Control characters would repeatedly call out the name of Snake (the game’s protagonist), concluding with a slightly prolonged repetition of the name. So to finish what the question says, the answer is “Snaaaake!”.

What’s the answer to 49 on impossible quiz?

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The choices are “Slap-Me-Do”, “Slapp-Me-Do”, “Spapp-Me-Do” and “Splapp-Me-Do”. Only one of the options is spelled correctly and that’s the bottom right one, “Splapp-Me-Do”. Click it to proceed.

What is the answer to question 43 on the impossible quiz?

The correct answer is “Tom Cruise”, since the question’s also referencing the movie “Jerry Maguire”, whose titular character was portrayed by Tom Cruise.

What is the answer to question 42 on the impossible quiz?

The correct answer is the 42nd 42. It’s the second 42 in the bottom row. Click it to proceed. This question is in reference to Douglas Adams’ book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”.

What is the answer to 43 on impossible quiz?

What is the answer to 48 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer for number 49 on the impossible quiz?

How do you do number 48 on the impossible quiz?