
What is the Christian concept of sin?

What is the Christian concept of sin?

sin, moral evil as considered from a religious standpoint. Sin is regarded in Judaism and Christianity as the deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God. See also deadly sin. Sinful acts are viewed as a defiance of God’s commandments, and sin itself is regarded as an attitude of defiance or hatred of God.

How does sin influence a Christian?

According to Christian belief, sin separates humans from God, bringing lasting punishment. God gave humans free will so it is up to humans to decide for themselves how to behave, ie in an evil or good way. Christians believe that only God can rectify the problem of humans being full of sin.

What is sin according to the Bible?

1 The Basic Concept of Sin Sin is a violation or transgression of the divine law and standards of God as revealed in His Word. The sinfulness of a wrongdoing lies in the fact that it is done against God even when it is an offense done to others, or to ourselves.

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How do you talk about sin and evil?

But if you start talking about sin and evil then you get immediate pushback. To my mind, one of the best ways of tackling that is to begin with idolatry. Idolatry involves betrayal. It involves the “de-godding” of God. Begin with the Bible’s storyline that God made us.

What is the effect of sin on the lives of believers?

The practice of sin is not to be the normal lifestyle of believers. When we sin it has an effect upon us as well upon others. For one thing, it robs us of our ability to understand spiritual truth. The Bible says that it is the Holy Spirit that helps us understand the will of God.

How does sin affect our faith in God?

The believer experiences a lost or alone feeling until they get things right with God. Sin also robs us of confidence in our prayer life. And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.