
What is the delivery time for USPS Parcel Select?

What is the delivery time for USPS Parcel Select?

2–8 days
USPS Parcel Select Ground Parcel Select Ground is a USPS mail class that offers ground delivery service at very low rates for large or heavy packages. When using this mail class, shipments can weigh up to 70lbs. and delivery ranges from 2–8 days.

Is Parcel Select Lightweight priority mail?

Parcel Select Lightweight is an excellent alternative to Priority Mail as it allows customers to ship lightweight packages from 3.5 to 16 ounces at a per ounce rate, nearly half the price of USPS, UPS, and FedEx grounds services.

Is USPS Parcel Select slow?

Is USPS Parcel Select Ground slow? Yes, USPS Parcel Select Ground is one of the slowest delivery services available from the US Post Office. You can expect delivery in 2-8 business days.

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Which is faster USPS Parcel Select Ground or USPS Priority Mail?

Delivery time is the first thing that comes to mind when comparing retail ground service vs. priority mail. Service standards for priority mail are one to three business days. Retail ground delivery times range from two to eight business days nationwide.

What class of mail is parcel select lightweight?

A USPS class of mail. Parcel Select Lightweight (Irregular & Machinable) refers to packages weighing between 1-15.99 oz. Parcel Select refers to packages weighing between 1-70 pounds.

Is USPS Parcel Select ground?

“Parcel Select” is the registered trademark name for the Postal Service’s economical ground delivery service for packages entered in bulk, including those entered at destination facilities. In today’s competitive parcel market, Parcel Select service provides very competitive pricing.

How slow is parcel select?

How long does it take to deliver a Parcel Select package? Parcel Select (non-presort) offers U.S. delivery within 2-8 days for packages being delivered to the contiguous 48 states.

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How is USPS Parcel Select delivered?

Parcel Select Ground is a low-cost option to get bulk packages to their destination. The packages are shipped using the Postal Service’s standard ground delivery service. ‘Parcel Select’ is the USPS’s trademark name for bulk shipments of packages. A bulk shipment is generally considered to be more than 50 packages.

What is USPS Parcel Select Lightweight?

Parcel Select Lightweight is specifically intended for packages that weigh less than a single pound, packages that are used for order fulfillments, and packages that are already pre-sorted and ready to enter into the USPS logistical mail stream at either a DDU, SCF, or NDC designated mail entry point.

Is USPS Parcel Select the same as first class?

USPS First Class Package Service is a fast, cost-effective way to ship lightweight packages weighing up to 15.99 ounces to any U.S. destination. For lightweight packages, First Class Package Service offers greater cost savings compared to Priority Mail and Parcel Select Ground (formerly known as Parcel Post).

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How does USPS deliver parcel select?

It is designed for and generally used by large- and medium-sized parcel shippers. Parcel Select mailers pay postage that reflects the degree of work-sharing they do in presorting their parcels and/or drop shipping their pieces at a destination facility located closer to the delivery point.