
What is the diff between solution and precipitate?

What is the diff between solution and precipitate?

As nouns the difference between solution and precipitate is that solution is a homogeneous mixture, which may be liquid, gas or solid, formed by dissolving one or more substances while precipitate is a product resulting from a process, event, or course of action.

What is the difference between precipitate and precipitation?

In aqueous solution, precipitation is the process of transforming a dissolved substance into an insoluble solid from a super-saturated solution. The solid formed is called the precipitate.

How do you tell if a solution is a precipitate?

If the rules state that an ion is soluble, then it remains in its aqueous ion form. If an ion is insoluble based on the solubility rules, then it forms a solid with an ion from the other reactant. If all the ions in a reaction are shown to be soluble, then no precipitation reaction occurs.

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Does precipitate mean liquid?

Precipitate: In chemistry, a solid formed by a change in a solution, often due to a chemical reaction or change in temperature that decreases solubility of a solid. In meteorology a precipitate is liquid or solid water (rain, snow, etc.) falling from the sky.

Can a solution have a precipitate?

A precipitation reaction can occur when two solutions containing different salts are mixed, and a cation/anion pair in the resulting combined solution forms an insoluble salt; this salt then precipitates out of solution.

How do you get a precipitate out of a solution?

A dissolved compound can be precipitated out of solution by introducing a counter ion. For example, silver can be precipitated out of solution in the reaction between silver nitrate and sodium chloride. The nitrate ion is replaced by a counter-ion, chloride, resulting in the formation of solid silver chloride.

What is the difference between supernatant and precipitate?

As nouns the difference between precipitate and supernatant is that precipitate is a product resulting from a process, event, or course of action while supernatant is the liquid that lies above a sediment or precipitate; supernate.

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What is an example of precipitate?

One of the best examples of precipitation reactions is the chemical reaction between potassium chloride and silver nitrate, in which solid silver chloride is precipitated out. In the above reaction, a white precipitate called silver chloride or AgCl is formed which is in the solid-state.

How do you precipitate?

How do you make a precipitate at home?

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