
What is the difference between AP English Language and Composition and AP English literature and composition?

What is the difference between AP English Language and Composition and AP English literature and composition?

The main difference between the two courses is that AP Literature focuses mostly on analyzing literature and poetry, while AP Language has a much broader scope. AP English Language and Composition teaches you to deconstruct arguments and rhetorical strategies in mostly non-fiction works.

Is English 101 the same as AP English Language and Composition?

ENG 101-102 is extremely similar to the content of AP Language and Composition….

Junior Year Senior Year
AP Language and Composition AP Literature and Composition
AP Language and Composition BHC ENG 101-102
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When should I take AP English?

AP Lang is typically taken Junior year of high school. AP Lit is typically taken Senior year of high school. In AP Lit, you are expected to read more.

Is taking AP English worth it?

Is AP Lang worth taking? 🤔 The short answer: absolutely! AP Lang not only helps you with other standardized tests and courses (like the SAT rhetorical analysis essay), but it also assists you professionally in the future.

When should I take AP Literature?

What do you learn in AP English language and composition?

Course Overview AP English Language and Composition is an introductory college-level composition course. Students cultivate their understanding of writing and rhetorical arguments through reading, analyzing, and writing texts as they explore topics like rhetorical situation, claims and evidence, reasoning and organization, and style.

Is AP Literature or AP language easier to pass?

Well, it turns out neither AP Literature or AP Language is super easy to pass, and both are quite difficult to get a 5 (the highest score) on. (For more on AP test scoring, see our post.) Both exams have low pass rates and very low 5 rates. AP Literature has a pass rate of about 60\%, while AP Language’s pass rate is about 62\%.

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What percentage of high school students take AP Lang?

In fact, in 2019, over 10\% of the more than five million students who took AP exams took the Language and Composition test. AP Lang is most often taken by high school juniors, many of whom go on to take the AP English Literature exam their senior year.

Is one AP English class harder than the other?

Given that the difference in pass rates is so small between the two tests, it’s unlikely one AP English class is dramatically harder than the other. Which test is harder for you will depend on your strengths and weaknesses, as both AP English classes have different readings and goals.