
What is the difference between dissatisfaction and no satisfaction?

What is the difference between dissatisfaction and no satisfaction?

To be dissatisfied is to have a lack of contentment or happiness in regards to something. Unsatisfied, on the other hand, simply means to not be satisfied, as in the meaning of being unfulfilled or having unmet obligations. A person may feel dissatisfied or unsatisfied, but a contract may only be unsatisfied.

What is the difference between satisfaction and dissatisfaction?

As adjectives the difference between satisfied and dissatisfied. is that satisfied is in a state of satisfaction while dissatisfied is feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment.

How do you spell dissatisfied satisfied?

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not satisfied or pleased; discontented.

What type of word is dissatisfied?

dissatisfied used as an adjective: Feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment.

What kind of word is unsatisfied?

Not satisfied, especially with the quantity of something.

Is unsatisfied grammatically correct?

To be dissatisfied is to be displeased or unhappy with something. For example, if a meal is filling but tastes bad, you might say it is “dissatisfying.” To be unsatisfied is to feel unfulfilled by something. For instance, if a meal tastes great but you are still hungry afterwards, it was “unsatisfying.”

What’s another word for unsatisfied?

What is another word for unsatisfied?

discontented disgruntled
irritated angry
annoyed dissatisfied
aggrieved discontent
malcontent vexed

What is job satisfaction and dissatisfaction?

INTRODUCTION The term job satisfaction describes a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feeling about his or her job, while a dissatisfied person holds negative feelings.

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What is the sentence of dissatisfied?

Dissatisfied sentence example. The Emperor was dissatisfied with him. Pierre began to feel dissatisfied with what he was doing. The army, at the end of the war, was justly dissatisfied with its treatment.

What is the opposite of unsatisfied?

Opposite of incapable of being satisfied or appeased. satiable. appeasable. extinguishable.

How do you use dissatisfied in a sentence?

Dissatisfied sentence example

  1. The Emperor was dissatisfied with him.
  2. Pierre began to feel dissatisfied with what he was doing.
  3. The army, at the end of the war, was justly dissatisfied with its treatment.