
What is the difference between Sir and SIRS?

What is the difference between Sir and SIRS?

Sir is used to address one person, two persons, three persons. Sirs is the technically correct plural of “sir.”The plural of sir is sirs, as in “I beseech you, my good sirs.”. You can use this to address male audience but in general parlance, the proper address is “gentleman”.

What is plural Sir?

sir /ˈsɚ/ noun. plural sirs.

Who is a sir in England?

Sir: A title of honour for a knight that originates from the Old French word “sieur”. Dame or Lady: The female equivalent of the title “sir” that can be used by a woman in her own right. In the UK, the titles “sir” and “dame” are closely associated with the New Year’s Honours and the Queen’s Birthday Honours lists.

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What is the Sir and what does it mean?

Sir is an honorific address used in a number of situations in many anglophone cultures. The term can be used as a formal prefix, especially in the Commonwealth, for males who have been given certain honours or titles (such as knights and baronets), where usage is strictly governed by law and custom.

When to use Sir?

Sir is an honorific used as a title (see Knight), or as a courtesy title to address a man without using his given or family name in some English speaking cultures. It is often used in formal correspondence (Dear Sir, Right Reverend Sir).

Can Sir be used for a woman?

Sir is for men. Most women would be offended if you called them sir (with the possible exception of some supreme feminists). Like John M. Landsberg commented, “Ma’am” is what you want to use unless you’re asking for trouble.

Is the word Sir capitalized?

The word ”sir” should be capitalized only in certain circumstances. You should capitalize ”sir” when addressing someone in a formal email or letter. It’s also important to capitalize ‘sir’ when it it comes before someone’s name, as a title.