
What is the difference between what you want and what you need?

What is the difference between what you want and what you need?

Answer Key. A need is something that is needed to survive. A want is something that an individual desires, but would be able to live without. A primary distinguishing feature of a need is that it is necessary to sustain life.

What is more important want or need?

And perhaps surprisingly, we often spend more to satisfy a desire than fulfill a much more critical need. Two things are obvious: My wants often are extensions of my needs which justify spending a lot more than necessary to satisfy my needs; and.

Is money a want or need?

NEED$ In our society, money is earned and exchanged for the majority of goods and services we need and want. Money decisions make a big difference in our lives. Preteens begin to realize that money itself has no value, but it is needed to buy things they want.

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What are real needs?

Real needs often refer to the real qualities and efforts a person needs to develop or utilize that lead to the results they desire.

What is the difference between I need you and I want you?

“I want you” can be easily said because it is for you to serve the pleasure of the person who wants you; “I need you” is not easily said because it is selfless and an acceptance of someone else’s importance and value beyond you. I need you carries weight and responsibility.

Which is better need or want?

Want — have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for. Need — require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable.

Is it better to want or need someone?

To “need” someone is to buy yourself a first class ticket to the land of codependence. Wanting, on the other hand, is the first step in learning how to love someone. You want to be around the other person because they make you smile, they make you happier, and time goes by quicker when they’re around.