
What is the function of chief cells and parietal cells?

What is the function of chief cells and parietal cells?

The two main types of exocrine secretory cells of the stomach are parietal cells and chief cells. Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid and chief cells secrete digestive enzymes such as pepsin. These cells secrete their products when activated by signals from the body such as hormones and neurotransmitters.

What are functions of Zymogenic chief cells in the stomach?

function in digestive system At the base of the gland are the zymogenic (chief) cells, which are thought to produce the enzymes pepsin and rennin. (Pepsin digests proteins, and rennin curdles milk.)

What is the role of the parietal cells?

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Parietal cells are responsible for gastric acid secretion, which aids in the digestion of food, absorption of minerals, and control of harmful bacteria.

What is the difference between parietal and chief cells?

Parietal cells are the epithelial cells that secrete HCl and intrinsic factor. They are located in the gastric glands found in lining of fundus and stomach. The gastric chief cells , are cells in the stomach that release pepsinogen and chymosin. These are located , in clusters at the base of the gastric glands.

What are chief cells quizlet?

Chief cells secrete Gastric Lipase which functions to break down fats into smaller fatty acids that can be further digested in the intestine.

What type of cells are chief cells?

Histology. Gastric chief cells are epithelial cells which are found within the gastric unit or gastric gland, and form the base of the gastric unit. The gastric chief cell has an extensive network of lamellar rough endoplasmic reticulum organized around the nucleus.

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What do parathyroid chief cells secrete?

parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Chief cells: The chief cells manage the secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH). When the cells are viewed, they contain prominent Golgi apparati and a developed endoplasmic reticulum to help with the synthesis and secretion of the hormone.

What is chief cell of stomach?

The gastric chief cell (also known as a zymogenic cell or peptic cell) is a cell in the stomach that releases pepsinogen and chymosin. Pepsinogen is activated into the digestive enzyme pepsin when it comes in contact with hydrochloric acid produced by gastric parietal cells.

Are chief cells endocrine?

The chief cells of the parathyroid glands sense the amount of calcium in the blood, and release the calcium-increasing hormone parathyroid hormone (PTH) accordingly to correct or maintain normal blood calcium levels. It therefore regulates calcium metabolism as part of the endocrine system.