
What is the likely impact of skill development on PPC of the Indian economy?

What is the likely impact of skill development on PPC of the Indian economy?

Skill development programs like Skill India are aimed at Human Capital Formation, I.e. it increases the capacity and skill of human resources. So, as under-utilization is absent, when we further improve the skills of existing workforce, productivity increases, economic growth happens. PPC Shifts Rightward.

What can cause a production possibilities curve to shift to the right?

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Given the fact that resources are scarce, we have constraints, which is what the curve shows us. When the economy grows and all other things remain constant, we can produce more, so this will cause a shift in the production possibilities curve outward, or to the right.

What causes an outward shift in the production possibilities curve?

Outward or inward shifts in the PPF can be driven by changes in the total amount of available production factors or by advancements in technology. Thus, the economy will be able to produce more at any point along the frontier, meaning that the frontier has effectively shifted outwards.

What is the effect of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan on PPC?

Sarva shiksha abhiyaan and skill India implies education for all the campaign. it will leads to the human capital formation. As a result production potential of our country will increase in future. hence, PPC will shift to the right.

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What is the effect of digital India on PPC?

Digital India agenda will drive to advancement in technology. Excellent technology in the understanding of augmented online foundation and internet connectivity will enhance the composition capability of the marketplace. Subsequently, the PPC will displace to the right from M to N.

What causes a production possibilities curve to shift to the right quizlet?

When increases production of an item, the cost of producing the opportunity cost goes up. curve shifts to the right because of more skilled workers, thus increasing production.

Which of the following will cause the production possibilities curve to shift to the left?

Answer Key

1. C
14. D
15. B
16. D
17. C

What role the production possibility frontier PPF has in the decision making process?

The production possibility frontier is an economic concept and its acronym is PPF. The model allows a producer or a policymaker to graphically determine the various combinations of two commodities that can be produced with the given available limited amount of factors of production and state of technology.

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Which situation would most likely cause a nation possibilities curve to shift inward?

Which situation would most likely cause a nation’s production possibilities curve to shift inward? Any point inside the production possibilities curve indicates: the presence of inflationary pressures.

What is likely impact of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and skill India campaign on PPC of the Indian economy?

What will be the impact of recently launched Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan on PPC of the economy and why?

If the people of a country are well educated, they are said to have more efficiency to perform skilled work. Hence, the ‘Education for all Campaign’ increases the production potential, and thus, the production possibility curve will shift nearer to PPC.