
What is the main idea of courage by Anne Sexton?

What is the main idea of courage by Anne Sexton?

The overall theme of this poem is that everyone faces trials in his or her life. The most important thing was that he or she either let these trails bother them, or he or she learned from them, growing in the process.

What examples of personification does Sexton use in stanza 2?

The personification used in the poem is “you powdered your sorrow, you gave it a back rub and then you covered it with a blanket and after it slept it woke to the wings of roses.” Your sorrow cant sleep nor can it wake.

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What does each spring will be a sword you’ll sharpen mean?

Ans: The metaphor is “each spring will be a sword you’ll sharpen.” It means that, in old age, each additional year that you are alive will bring you enhanced and deepened wisdom with which to do battle with the struggles of life and aging.

What point of view does Sexton mainly use in courage?

Being a confessional poet, Sexton is surely speaking to another part of herself; however, these events are universal as well, a point underscored by her use of the second person “we” and “you.” Also, most of these examples are taken from childhood, a time of exploration and firsts.

What should one explore in the poem courage?

Ans. The last line means that being courageous makes us experience freedom of the mind to explore, the freedom of the body to attempt and achieve the impossible and Page 2 freedom of the soul to have a sense of integrity and realization of our own imperfections.

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Which word in the first stanza means to have courage?

He says that courage is not something that can be called brilliant when it is forced….Theory:

S.No Words Meaning
1 Courage Mental or moral strength to do something
2 Brilliant Very clever, bright
3 Dash The act of something occurring suddenly
4 Daring Brave

Which prize did Anne Sexton receive?

the Pulitzer Prize
I bought the book because I was interested to know how Anne Sexton, one of my favorite poets, came to win the Pulitzer Prize. She won it for Live or Die, her third book, in 1967. Let me share with you what I found out. The three jurors that year were Richard Eberhart, Phyllis McGinley, and Louis Simpson.

Which season is mentioned in the poem the moment of courage?

The Moment of Courage : Last year Summer covered it with The Green Of mango blossoms; It tempted a calf Which fell in and drowned. At night Like a thief I bathe in it; I cup my hands And drink. (h) : 65 Page 14 Poetry (1) There are shadows…

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Why does the poet say the foundation of courage is solid?

1. Why does the poet say the foundation of courage is solid? Ans. The poet says so because courage doesn’t make one waver or feel uncertain.

How many stages of life are mentioned in the poem courage by Sexton?

four different
In “Courage,” Sexton uses four stanzas to represent four different stages in a person’s life — youth, young adulthood, middle age, and old age — and delves into both the conventional and unconventional ways one can show courage.

Do you think courage courage courage is appropriate for the poem explain?

This title of this poem is quite appropriate. If I had to suggest another tile that would be “Bravery”. Explanation: The poet explains how one should face all problems with a strong mind and not complain about anything.

What is the meaning of to show courage?

: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.