
What is the main purpose of the Old Testament?

What is the main purpose of the Old Testament?

There main purpose of the Old Testament is to reveal God’s word to the Jewish people.

What benefits does reading the Old Testament offer them?

Benefits of Reading the Bible

  • Learn about, know, and worship God.
  • Grow in our faith.
  • Learn God’s truths.
  • Realize our need for Him.
  • Seek forgiveness.
  • Safeguard against false teaching.
  • Receive guidance on how to live.
  • Know what is true.

What is the purpose of the Old and New Testament?

Together the Old Testament and the New Testament make up the Holy Bible. The Old Testament contains the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, while Christianity draws on both Old and New Testaments, interpreting the New Testament as the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Old.

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How does history help us understand the Bible?

Understanding the Bible in its original context allows us to understand ourselves. For then we can see where our secular civilization accords with ancient Israelite perspectives, and where it has diverged from them. It also allows us to see where Judaism has (or has not) developed beyond biblical religion.

Is the Old Testament relevant?

The Old Testament has never been so relevant. But the Old Testament has always been relevant, filled with narratives, poetry and prophecy that strike to the heart of human experience – especially the experience of those who have a sense of God but don’t always know how, why or where this God should be worshipped.

Why is it important to study the historical background of the New Testament?

An understanding of the history of the New Testament, how it has been passed down to us, and who wrote it can increase our appreciation of this remarkable book of scripture and in turn give us greater spiritual strength as we, like the early followers of Jesus Christ, face our own trials.