
What is the meaning non spendable bitcoin in Blockchain?

What is the meaning non spendable bitcoin in Blockchain?

A Non spendable bitcoin means an unknown public bitcoin address was imported into your wallet. It is called a watch only address in your blockchain account wallet, meaning you can only watch it, but not spend the coins held by it which is why it is showing in your wallet as non spendable btc.

How do I get a private key in Blockchain wallet?

To get the private keys for your main wallet addresses:

  1. login to
  2. Click Settings > Security > Backup Recovery Phrase > write down your phrase with exact order to import it later using Electrum wallet.
  3. Download Electrum bitcoin wallet and setup on your computer.

Can I receive bitcoin on my Blockchain wallet?

Your Wallet will generate a unique bitcoin and bitcoin cash address each time you receive funds, whereas your addresses for all other currencies will remain the same for every request. To request funds using an address, simply press Request at the top of your wallet.

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How do you send and receive Bitcoins on blockchain?

Sending Bitcoin

  1. Click on Send and select Bitcoin from the Currency drop-down menu.
  2. If you have multiple sub-wallets, you can choose the sub-wallet you want to send from in the From drop-down menu.
  3. In the To field, paste the recipient’s address OR scan the recipient’s QR code.
  4. Enter the amount you want to send.

Can I receive and send bitcoin on blockchain without verification?

Identity verification is required in order to use Swap, Buy/Sell, and the Rewards Account in the Wallet, and for the Exchange (learn more about this here). The Private Key Wallet does not require identity verification in order to send, receive, and securely store your cryptocurrencies.

How do I get Blockchain on airdrop?

If you are not already a Wallet user, you can sign up for a wallet here and get Gold Level verified to become eligible for the airdrop program. You need to have a Wallet to receive your funds. If you already have one – great! No need to create another.