
What is the meaning of aggrandizement?

What is the meaning of aggrandizement?

1 : to make great or greater : increase, enlarge aggrandize an estate. 2 : to make appear great or greater : praise highly. 3 : to enhance the power, wealth, position, or reputation of exploited the situation to aggrandize himself.

What kind of word is aggrandizement?

Aggrandizement is the noun form of the verb aggrandize, “to increase the power or reputation of something,” and it usually implies that there’s some exaggeration going on.

What is a synonym for aggrandizement?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for aggrandizement. ennoblement, exaltation, glorification, magnification.

What is the antonym of aggrandizement?

What is the opposite of aggrandize?

abase degrade
demean humble
humiliate abridge
belittle censure
condemn condense

How do you use aggrandizement in a sentence?

Aggrandizement sentence example

  1. His foreign policy aimed at the aggrandizement of his family, but his plans were prudent as well as ambitious, and Hungary benefited by them, greatly.
  2. He believed that the jealousy of Russian aggrandizement and the dread of Russian power were absurd exaggerations.
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How do you remember the word aggrandize?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aggrandize aggrandize ~ ag+grand+eyes = make someone seem grander/greater in others eyes by raising power etc.

How do you use aggrandize?

1. The dictator sought to aggrandize himself by new conquests. 2. She often aggrandizes herself and disparages her colleagues.

What is the opposite of aggrandize?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms aggrandize. Antonyms: depress, degrade, enfeeble, impoverish, debase, humiliate, lower, abase, disgrace, dishonor. Synonyms: promote, dignify, exalt, ennoble, enrich, advance, augment, make great, magnify, elevate, signalize.

What part of speech is aggrandize?

verb (used with object), ag·gran·dized, ag·gran·diz·ing.

How do you spell aggrandizement?

It specifically refers to inflating something or making someone appear more important or powerful than they really are. This word is often seen in self-aggrandizement, or “the act of making oneself more important, powerful, or wealthy.” Aggrandizement is spelled with an S, aggrandisement, in British English.

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