
What is the opposite eager?

What is the opposite eager?

Opposite of strongly wanting to do or have something. unenthusiastic. averse. indifferent. uninterested.

What type of word is eager?

keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longing: I am eager for news about them.

What does eagerly mean?

If you do something eagerly, you do it with much excitement and enthusiasm.

What is the difference between enthusiastic and excited?

As adjectives the difference between enthusiastic and excited. is that enthusiastic is with zealous fervor; excited, motivated while excited is having great enthusiasm.

What does eager mean synonym?

Some common synonyms of eager are anxious, athirst, avid, and keen. While all these words mean “moved by a strong and urgent desire or interest,” eager implies ardor and enthusiasm and sometimes impatience at delay or restraint.

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What is the similar meaning of devoted eager?

having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent: an ardent vow;ardent love. intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic; zealous: an ardent theatergoer;an ardent student of French history.

Is eager descriptive?

The adjective eager describes someone is excited about or impatient for something.

What is a synonym and antonym for eager?

eageradjective. Synonyms: ardent, avid, zealous, impetuous, vehement, intent, animated, impatient, fervent, athirst, impassioned ravenous, anxious, glowing, keen. Antonyms: indifferent, apathetic, dispassionate, phlegmatic, unconcerned unmoved, stolid.

What does Ardency mean?

Definition of ardency : the quality or state of being ardent.

What are two synonyms for devoted?


  • ardent.
  • caring.
  • concerned.
  • dear.
  • dedicated.
  • devout.
  • doting.
  • dutiful.

How do you use eager?

(3) The boy was eager for success. (4) Marion spoke, eager to break the tense silence. (5) Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn. (6) They’re eager to please .

What does ardently love mean?

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1 expressive of or characterized by intense desire or emotion; passionate. ardent love. 2 intensely enthusiastic; eager.