
What is the point of a curved magazine?

What is the point of a curved magazine?

So why are gun magazines curved? It has to do with the way bullets and their cartridges naturally nest within the magazine. Cartridges that are even slightly conical in shape are not able to sit perfectly straight, as depicted in the diagram we mocked up below.

Why do magazines curve forward?

That is why magazines curve. Ciao. PS: This why pistol magazines tend to be straight.

Do Smgs use magazines?

A submachine gun, abbreviated SMG, is a magazine-fed, automatic carbine designed to fire handgun cartridges.

What is a banana clip for gun?

Definition of banana clip 1 : a clip that is slightly curved and used to hold a person’s hair in place. 2 slang : a curved magazine or clip for a firearm … reached into a camouflaged vest bulging with a bayonet and banana clips of ammunition for his AK-47 …— Paul Watson.

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Why are rifle cartridges necked down?

This type of operation is used for reducing case dimensions, such as changing the neck diameter or pushing the shoulder back. Changing the diameter of the case (to suit a new caliber). Called “necking up” or “necking down”, this is the most common way of making a wildcat.

What is the heel of the bullet?

A heeled bullet is a specific design of bullet where the internal diameter of the barrel is often, but not always, the same diameter as the cartridge case, and the bullet has a step at the rear to allow it to fit inside the case.

Why do aks have banana mags?

A curved, or banana magazine holds the advantage over a straight magazine because it can hold more bullets without adding height to the gun. For example, if there are two lines, one is curved and the other is straight, but they are of the same height, the curved line will be longer.

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When did the Sterling SMG get its curved magazine?

In May 1946, George Patchett patented a new curved magazine which would become one of the Sterling SMG’s most recognisable features. It addressed some of the serious shortcomings of the STEN’s magazine.

When was the L2A1 Sterling submachine gun made?

Following further development and testing the L2A1 Sterling submachine gun was eventually adopted in the summer of 1954, serving well into the 1990s. In 1952, Patchett added a pair of strengthening ribs to the inside of the magazine which also further reduced friction on the rollers.

What is the difference between Sterling-made and government-designed magazines?

The government-designed magazine is 5cm or 2 inches longer than the Sterling factory magazines. The example magazine seen above and in the accompanying video is Sterling-made and is marked with the company name and patent numbers. We can see the folded sheet metal construction and the overlaps at the rear of the magazine body.

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What is the difference between L1a2 and Sterling Magazines?

The L1A2 magazine was slightly simpler to manufacture but retained Patchett’s roller follower while the magazine’s body was made from two, rather than four, pieces of stamped steel and electrically welded together. The government-designed magazine is 5cm or 2 inches longer than the Sterling factory magazines.