
What is the purpose of Deep Ocean Mission?

What is the purpose of Deep Ocean Mission?

The primary aim of the mission is to explore and extract polymetallic nodules which are composed of minerals like manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper and iron hydroxide. The metals are useful in manufacturing of electronic devices, smartphones, batteries and solar panels.

Why is India pulled to deep sea mining the Hindu?

This component aims to translate research into industrial applications and product development through on-site business incubator facilities. The Deep Ocean Mission was in 2019 envisaged as a ₹8,000 crore mission, as The Hindu has earlier reported.

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Which mineral is mined by India in Indian Ocean?

– India can improve the availability of nickel, copper, cobalt and manganese by mining polymetallic nodules on the seabed in the Central Indian Ocean Basin. India has the right to explore and mine polymetallic nodules of over 750,000 square km through an agreement with the International Seabed Authority.

Which ministry will lead the Deep Ocean Mission that will explore the deepest recesses of the ocean?

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the proposal of Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) on “Deep Ocean Mission”, with a view to explore deep ocean for resources and develop deep sea technologies for sustainable use of ocean resources.

Which is nodal ministry implementing Indias deep-sea mission?

The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) will be the nodal Ministry implementing this multi-institutional mission.

Which country is set to launch the Deep Ocean Mission for the use of sustainable renewable resources?

The Deep Ocean Mission will be a mission mode project to support the blue economy Initiatives of the Government of India. The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) will be the nodal Ministry implementing this multi-institutional ambitious mission.

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How does deep sea mining work?

Mining interests plan to use large, robotic machines to excavate the ocean floor in a way that’s similar to strip-mining on land. The materials are pumped up to the ship, while wastewater and debris are dumped into the ocean, forming large sediment clouds underwater.

Which is nodal ministry implementing Indias deep sea mission?

What resources are in the Indian Ocean?

Petroleum dominates commerce, as the Indian Ocean has come to be an important throughway for transport of crude oil to Europe, North America, and East Asia. Other major commodities include iron, coal, rubber, and tea.

Which is the nodal ministry implementing India’s deep-sea mission Gktoday?

Ministry of Earth Sciences
Ministry of Earth Sciences will be the nodal ministry to implement this mission.

Which is the nodal ministry of the Deep Ocean Mission Gktoday?

The Ministry of Earth Sciences
The Ministry of Earth Sciences is the nodal Ministry of the mission, which aims to develop deep-sea technologies for sustainable use of ocean resources.

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When was deep ocean mission started?

2018Deep Ocean mission / Founded