
What is the purpose of providing camber on road?

What is the purpose of providing camber on road?

Purpose of Providing Camber in Road Camber is provided so that vehicles should be regulated to the proper lanes. It drain offs the rain water immediately from the road surface, so as to prevent it from entering into the sub-grade soil.

What is straight line camber?

Straight Line Camber consists of two slopes originating from the edges and joining at the center of the carriageway. It is the simplest type of camber. It can be constructed quite easily and the maintenance of such a camber is also simple.

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Which type of camber is suitable for cement concrete road?

The straight slope of the camber is easier to be cast and maintained in the case of concrete pavement. Parabolic shaped camber is difficult to construct and maintain….Detailed Solution.

Pavement Shape of camber
Cement concrete pavement Straight
Bitumen pavement Parabolic

What is camber in road construction?

Camber is the slope provided to the road surface in the transverse direction to drain off the rainwater from the road surface. It is also known as the cross slope of the road.

What is the maximum value of camber for plain area roads?

A four-lane divided highway, with each carriageway being 7.0 m wide, is to be constructed in a zone of high rainfall. In this stretch, the highway has a longitudinal slope of 3\% and is provided a camber of 2\%….

Type of road Recommended Value of Camber
Thin bituminous surface 2.0\% – 2.5\%
Cement-concrete Road 1.7\% – 2.0\%
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Which type of camber is best suited for Indian roads?

Two straight line camber It consists of two straight lines steeper near the edges and flatters near the crown, this type of camber is considered to be the best for Indian roads.

Why KERB is provided on road?

(i) They provide strength to the sides of road pavements and avoid lateral displacement of carriageway due to traffic loads. (ii) In terms of road safety, they serve as a separation line between footway and carriageway and aid car drivers in driving safely.

What is the purpose of camber in civil engineering?

Camber is used in long spans with the purpose of counteracting deflection due to load. Camber is used in bridge construction as well as buildings, churches and decks because calculations can be made to offset particularly heavy loads of weight, thereby dictating the actual upward curve or camber to be used.

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What is the camber for bituminous and cement concrete roads?

In this stretch, the highway has a longitudinal slope of 3\% and is provided a camber of 2\%….

Type of road Recommended Value of Camber
Thin bituminous surface 2.0\% – 2.5\%
Cement-concrete Road 1.7\% – 2.0\%

What is camber of concrete road for heavy rainfall as per IRC?

For concrete road the camber recommended by IRC in heavy rainfall area is. 1.7\%