
What is the role of dopamine in the treatment of cardiogenic shock?

What is the role of dopamine in the treatment of cardiogenic shock?

Dopamine possesses a variety of useful pharmacologic properties. It functions as an a-adrenergic agonist, causing vasoconstriction of peripheral capacitance and resistance vessels; it also is a β-adrenergic agonist, producing an increase in cardiac rate and an augmentation of myocardial contractility.

Why dopamine is given IV in cardiogenic shock?

Medication Summary Dopamine and dobutamine are the drugs of choice to improve cardiac contractility, with dopamine the preferred agent in patients with hypotension. Vasodilators relax vascular smooth muscle and reduce the SVR, allowing for improved forward flow, which improves cardiac output.

What do you monitor for cardiogenic shock?


  • Blood pressure measurement. People in shock have very low blood pressure.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). This quick, noninvasive test records the electrical activity of your heart using electrodes attached to your skin.
  • Chest X-ray.
  • Blood tests.
  • Echocardiogram.
  • Cardiac catheterization (angiogram).
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Why dopamine is preferred over adrenaline in cardiogenic shock?

Both drugs can increase blood pressure in shock states, although norepinephrine is more powerful. Dopamine can increase cardiac output more than norepinephrine, and in addition to the increase in global blood flow, has the potential advantage of increasing renal and hepatosplanchnic blood flow.

Why are dopamine drips used?

Dopamine is a peripheral vasostimulant used to treat low blood pressure, low heart rate, and cardiac arrest. Low infusion rates (0.5 to 2 micrograms/kg per minute) act on the visceral vasculature to produce vasodilation, including the kidneys, resulting in increased urinary flow.

Why dobutamine is preferred over dopamine?

It does not generate the same degree of vasoconstriction that is created by dopamine. Unlike dopamine, dobutamine does not have any effect on the α2‐adrenergic receptors. Dobutamine is preferred when there is a need to improve low cardiac output.

Why dopamine is given in infusion form?

At intermediate rates of infusion (2 to 10 mcg/kg/min) dopamine acts to stimulate the beta1 – adrenoceptors, resulting in improved myocardial contractility, increased SA rate and enhanced impulse conduction in the heart.

Why dopamine is given intravenously?

Dopamine is given by intravenous (IV) infusion. Low dose: 1 to 5 mcg/kg/minute IV to increase urine output and kidney blood flow. Intermediate dose: 5 to 15 mcg/kg/minute IV to increase kidney blood flow, cardiac output and contractility, and heart rate.

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Why does cardiogenic shock occur?

Cardiogenic shock is a serious condition that occurs when your heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to the brain, kidneys, and other vital organs. Cardiogenic shock is considered a medical emergency and should be treated immediately. The most common cause of cardiogenic shock is a heart attack.

What happens to the heart during cardiogenic shock?

Cardiogenic shock is a life-threatening condition in which your heart suddenly can’t pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs. The condition is most often caused by a severe heart attack, but not everyone who has a heart attack has cardiogenic shock. Cardiogenic shock is rare.

Why dopamine is preferred over adrenaline in hypovolemic shock?

Because dopamine increases myocardial contractility, selectively redistributes perfusion to essential viscera and allows a pharmacologic titration of effect, it is a logical first-choice catecholamine for treatment of shock and refractory heart failure.

How the effect of dopamine differs from noradrenaline in the treatment of cardiogenic shock?

Among patients with cardiogenic shock, the rate of death was significantly higher in the group treated with dopamine than in the group treated with norepinephrine, although one might expect that cardiac output would be better maintained with dopamine26-28 than with norepinephrine.

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Is dopamine better than norepinephrine for cardiogenic shock?

Among patients with cardiogenic shock, the rate of death was significantly higher in the group treated with dopamine than in the group treated with norepinephrine, although one might expect that cardiac output would be better maintained with dopamine 26-28 than with norepinephrine.

Should dopamine be the first-line vasopressor in shock?

Although there was no significant difference in the rate of death between patients with shock who were treated with dopamine as the first-line vasopressor agent and those who were treated with norepinephrine, the use of dopamine was associated with a greater number of adverse events. ( number, NCT00314704 .)

What is the role of dopamine in the treatment of heart failure?

Because dopamine increases myocardial contractility, selectively redistributes perfusion to essential viscera and allows a pharmacologic titration of effect, it is a logical first-choice catecholamine for treatment of shock and refractory heart failure.

Why is dopamine the first choice catecholamine for the treatment of shock?

Because dopamine increases myocardial contractility, selectively redistributes perfusion to essential viscera and allows a pharmacologic titration of effect, it is a logical first-choice catecholamine for treatment of shock and refractory heart failure. MeSH terms Adrenergic alpha-Agonists / pharmacology