
What is the role of pepsin and renin in protein digestion?

What is the role of pepsin and renin in protein digestion?

Renin is an enzyme that has the function of digesting only milk proteins to peptides. Pepsin digests other proteins present in the food to smaller peptides fragments.

What is the function of renin in digestion?

rennin, also called chymosin, protein-digesting enzyme that curdles milk by transforming caseinogen into insoluble casein; it is found only in the fourth stomach of cud-chewing animals, such as cows. Its action extends the period in which milk is retained in the stomach of the young animal.

What happens when pepsin breaks proteins?

It breaks down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids that can be easily absorbed in the small intestine. Specific cells within the gastric lining, known as chief cells, release pepsin in an inactive form, or zymogen form, called pepsinogen.

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What is difference between pepsin and renin?

The key difference between pepsin and renin is that pepsin, which is one of the main digestive enzymes, is a protease secreted by the stomach while renin is an enzyme and also a hormone produced by juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney. Renin works as a hormone and helps to control blood pressure.

What is the function of renin enzyme?

renin, enzyme secreted by the kidney (and also, possibly, by the placenta) that is part of a physiological system that regulates blood pressure. In the blood, renin acts on a protein known as angiotensinogen, resulting in the release of angiotensin I.

What is the role of pepsin in digestive process?

Pepsin is an endopeptidase that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides. It is produced in the gastric chief cells of the stomach lining and is one of the main digestive enzymes in the digestive systems of humans and many other animals, where it helps digest the proteins in food.

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What is the role of pepsin in the digestive process at what pH does it work?

Answer: Pepsin basically breaks down proteins into peptides…. it works with acidic pH (HCL in stomach) . In Acidic pH Pepsinogen is converted in enzyme Pepsin thus acidic pH is required.

What is the difference between rennin and renin?

Hint:The rennin is an enzyme whereas renin is a hormone which is produced by the gastric gland. Renin is the hormone that is produced by Kidney. Rennin is also called chymosin. It is found in proteolytic enzymes found in the gastric juice of infants.

What happens after renin is released?

When renin is released into the blood, it acts upon a circulating substrate, angiotensinogen, that undergoes proteolytic cleavage to form the decapeptide angiotensin I.

Does pepsin digest carbohydrates?

Protein digestion occurs in the stomach and the duodenum through the action of three main enzymes: pepsin, secreted by the stomach, and trypsin and chymotrypsin, secreted by the pancreas. During carbohydrate digestion the bonds between glucose molecules are broken by salivary and pancreatic amylase.