
What is the salary of ASO Secretariat in Odisha?

What is the salary of ASO Secretariat in Odisha?

OPSC ASO Assistant Section Officer Salary / pay scale 2021:

Post salary
ASO Assistant Section Officer 9300 – Rs. 34,800 with GP Rs. 4,200 (Per Month)

What is the age limit for Aso?

Candidates between the ages of 20 and 30 are eligible to apply for the position of ASO at the Ministry of External Affairs. Candidates must have completed a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline and passed the CGL Exam.

What is the qualification of Aso?

Is computer certificate necessary for Opsc Aso?

OPSC ASO Educational Qualification 2021 It is also important to note that one must have adequate knowledge of Computer Application, although the commission doesn’t demand any certification for the same, there will be a skill test in Computer Application which is mandatory for all the candidates to qualify.

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How to apply for OPSC Assistant Section Officer Recruitment 2020 Odisha?

Applicants must have the Educational Qualification as follows to apply for applying the OPSC ASO Recruitment 2020 Odisha Aspirants must have the Age limit which is the primary requirement if the one who has the age limit they can apply for this OPSC Assistant Section Officer Recruitment 2020 Odisha. Maximum of 35 Years of age.

When will the VV test be held for Odisha Forest Service 2021?

The VV Test in connection with Recruitment to the Posts of Odisha Forest Service scheduled to be held on 13.09.2021 has been postponed to 15.09.2021. Check the notice for details

What are the details required in Aso advertisement?

Here, we will enclose all the details like Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Selection Process, Apply Online links, OPSC ASO Salary Structure, and the apply online links soon when the officials notified the ASO Advertisement again on their main site.

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How to apply for an OPSC license?

Visit the official website of OPSC at Finally, pay the application fee and submit the form before the last date.