
What is the SCR at Oxford University?

What is the SCR at Oxford University?

senior common room
A senior common room (SCR) – for senior members (fellows, etc.).

What is a senior common room Oxford?

The (Senior) ‘Common Room’ refers both to a physical space and to the body of senior members of the House – a private association, formally independent of Christ Church, that exists to facilitate social and professional engagement between Members, and between Members and the broader Christ Church community.

What is a House at Harvard?

A House is essentially one big dorm complex. About 300-500 students live in each of these “Houses.” Each of the Houses has their own dining halls, their own gyms, their own libraries, their own mascots and colors, and their own lil’ quirks and traditions.

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What is meaning of junior common room?

Definition of junior common room : a common room at a British college reserved for the use of undergraduates.

What does MCR stand for Cambridge?

Middle Combination Room (MCR) The Middle Combination Room is the social and academic body representing Masters students, PhD students and undergraduates in their fourth year of study.

Where are the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff common rooms?

Hufflepuff Common Room — located in Hufflepuff Basement, below ground level behind a stack of barrels near the kitchens. Ravenclaw Common Room — located in Ravenclaw Tower, beyond a bronze eagle-shaped knocker that poses a riddle.

What is the most prestigious house at Harvard?

Adams House (Harvard College)

Adams House
The Adams House dining hall
Location 26 Plympton Street
Coordinates 42°22′18″N 71°06′59″WCoordinates: 42°22′18″N 71°06′59″W
Established 1931

How are Harvard houses assigned?

At the beginning of freshman year at Harvard, students are assigned a dorm and roommates. In the second semester, students enter the “housing lottery,” which determines the upperclassman house they’ll live in for the next three years. Harvard claims houses are assigned randomly, but many students believe otherwise.

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What is in a common room?

A common room is a type of shared lounge, most often found in halls of residence or dormitories, at (for example) universities, colleges, military bases, hospitals, rest homes, hostels, and even minimum-security prisons. They are generally connected to several private rooms, and may incorporate a bathroom.

Why is Trinity term called Trinity?

Trinity term is the third and final term of the academic year at University of Oxford, the University of Dublin, and some independent schools in the United Kingdom. It runs from about mid April to about the end of June and is named after Trinity Sunday, which falls eight weeks after Easter, in May or June.