
What is the training period of SBI junior associate?

What is the training period of SBI junior associate?

The candidates who get selected for the position of SBI Clerk must survive for 6 months of training period to get their employment confirmed in the State Bank of India. The 1st promotion can be made after completing 2 to 3 years in SBI.

Is there any training period for SBI Clerk?

Within the 6 months, the aspirant will be trained thoroughly so that they can become a useful asset for the SBI. If the Probationary Associate fails, their probation will be extended till completion of the same.

What is the salary of SBI Clerk in training period?

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Candidates who are selected as in the SBI Clerk exam would be appointed as Junior Associate in the SBI Bank. The starting salary of SBI Clerk is between the range of Rs 26000 to 29000/-. After the 6th increment, the in-hand SBI Salary would be around Rs. 60,000.

Who can apply for junior associate in SBI?

SBI Clerk Age Criteria (As per April 01, 2021)

Post Age Criteria
SBI Junior Associates (Clerk) Minimum age: 20 years Maximum age: 28 years, i.e candidates must have been born not earlier than April 02, 1993, and not later than April 02, 2001 (both days inclusive).

What is it like to be a junior associate in SBI?

In SBI you can get ok salary, good status in society and respect. Please dont expect the work timing as answered before there are junior associates leaving the branch daily at 7 too and facing hectic pressure. It all depends on what your job requirement is. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

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What is the name of the SBI Clerk exam?

The Associate Exam conducted by the State Bank of India is also known as the SBI Clerk Exam. To know more about other bank exams, check at the linked article. State Bank of India recruits aspiring candidates for the post of Junior Associates and Junior Agriculture Associates under the clerical selection process.

What will be the job profile of a ja in SBI?

SBI also adds “customer support & sales” in its recruitment advertisement of JA. But the job profile of a JA is to be an allrounder in a bank. When we were selected as JA’s, we were in this dilemma of what will be our job profile.

Is SBI a good job with 23K in hand salary?

Promotion policy of SBI is fast you can become officer after 3 years of job if you clear departmental papers.. And work life balance is good because of defined hours .but if your Manager is not cooperative,you may face difficulty going home on time Overall it’s a good job with 23k in-hand salary.