
What is the use of factory registration in UVM?

What is the use of factory registration in UVM?

As the name implies, uvm_factory is used to manufacture (create) UVM objects and components. Only one instance of the factory is present in a given simulation (termed a singleton)….Usage.

1 Registering objects and components types with the factory
2 Designing components to use the factory to create objects or components

What is factory pattern in UVM?

UVM FACTORY. The factory pattern is an well known object-oriented design pattern. The factory method design pattern defining a separate method for creating the objects. , whose subclasses can then override to specify the derived type of object that will be created.

What is factory pattern in SystemVerilog?

Factory patterns – Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects and specify a policy for creating them. Before explaining these in more detail, we need to understand how SystemVerilog supports templates for writing generic code using parameterized classes.

How do you get a factory at UVM?

An instance named factory is automatically created internally in UVM. You can use it directly. Directly use factory. set_type_override_by_name (“original_type_name”,”override_type_name”); .

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What is oops concept in SV?

OOP is the most widely used programming paradigm in today’s software, combining programme and data into an object structure that encompasses both what must be done and how it must be done. Some of the basic concepts of OOPS in SystemVerilog are Dynamic processes, mailboxes, classes, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Why is a class called an object factory?

A class is called an object factory because objects are created from the class that contains common attributes and behaviour. The class behaves like a specification for creating such similar objects.

What is factory overriding & explain different types of factory overriding?

There are two types of overriding – Override by type and Override by instance. Before overriding, we need to register the component with factory and construct it. While defining a class, its type has to be registered with the uvm factory using predefined macros.