
What is the use of reg in Verilog?

What is the use of reg in Verilog?

reg can be used to create registers in procedural blocks. Thus, it can store some value. reg elements can be used as output within an actual module declaration. But, reg elements cannot be connected to the output port of a module instantiation.

What are nets in Verilog?

Nets : represent structural connections between components. Nets have values continuously driven on them by the outputs of the devices to which they are connected to. i.e. nets get the output value of their drivers. If a net has no driver, it gets the value of z(high impedance).

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What is the difference between === and == in verilog?

In Verilog: == tests logical equality (tests for 1 and 0, all other will result in x) === tests 4-state logical equality (tests for 1, 0, z and x)

What is the difference between Reg and logic?

There is absolutely no difference between reg and logic in SystemVerilog except for the way they are spelled – they are keyword synonyms. logic is meant to replace reg because reg was originally intended to be short for register. Also note that logic is a data type for a signal, whereas wire is a signal type.

Which keyword is used to declare Nets Verilog?

reg keyword
The reg keyword can be used in a net or port declaration if there are lexical elements between the net type keyword and the reg keyword.

What is wand and WOR in Verilog?

Any verilog module has input, output and potentially some innner net connections. Wand and wor are net data types that specify how this common net will be connected. If we simply specify wire in place of wand or wor, they simple connect the net driven by two gates together.

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What are the various types of nets in Verilog discuss with examples?

Some net data types are wire, tri, wor, trior, wand, triand, tri0, tri1, supply0, supply1, and trireg. A net data type must be used when a signal is: The output of some devices drives it….On the left-hand side of a continuous assignment.

  • Wire.
  • Wand (wired-AND)
  • Wor (wired-OR)
  • Tri (three-state)
  • Supply0 and Supply1.

What is the default value of reg data type?

reg is by default a one bit unsigned value. The reg variable data type may have a modifier signed, and may have may bits by using the vector modifier [msb:lsb].