
What is the work done in rotating a dipole in uniform electric field?

What is the work done in rotating a dipole in uniform electric field?

A pair of force which is equal in magnitude, with opposite direction, and displaced by perpendicular distance or moment is known as the couple. The dipole is said to be stable when the dipole is aligned in the direction of the electric field.

How much work has done in rotating electric dipole in uniform electric field from equilibrium to Unequilibrium?

Work done in rotating an electric dipole is 6.4 × 10-4 J.

What is the work done in rotating a dipole in 180 degree?

W = pE [ -cos (theta)] between limits of angle theta =0 and theta = 180 degrees. W = 2.

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What is an electric dipole derive an expression for the torque acting on an electric dipole when held in a uniform electric field hence define the dipole moment?

Answer: Let inside the uniform magnet field the electric dipole is placed. The torque(T) of the dipole is (qE×2dsinθ where d is the length of the dipole and θ is angle between the dipole and the direction of the field.

When theta is 180o What is the work done?

If theta = 0° then the work done will be positive. If theta = 90° then the work done will be zero. If theta = 180° then the work done will be negative…

What is meant by electric dipole?

An electric dipole is a pair of equal and opposite point charges -q and q, separated by a distance 2a. The direction from q to -q is said to be the direction of the dipole.

How do you find the work done by an electric dipole?

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The direction of N is such as to line up p parallel to E. Energy of a dipole in electric field: We calculate the energy of a diple in a electric field E by bringing the dipole from infinity and placing it such that −q charge is at r. Work done is ( E = −∇V (r)), U = −q V (r) + q V (r + s).

What is the expression for torque acting on electric dipole?

τ = PE sinθ; τ → torque, P → dipole moment of the electric dipole, E → Strength of the uniform electric field and θ → angle between the directions of P and E.