
What is this word mere?

What is this word mere?

Mere means pure and simple, nothing more and nothing less. If the mere mention of someone’s name makes you happy, then just hearing his name — and that alone — is enough to make you smile. Mere can have a little irony attached.

What is mere used for?

English Language Learners Definition of mere —used to say that something or someone is small, unimportant, etc.

What does the root word mere mean?

The form -mere comes from Greek méros, meaning “part” or “portion.” From this same source, we also get the combining forms -mer and -merous.

What does mere mean in a place name?

A mere is a shallow lake, pond, or wetland, particularly in Great Britain and other parts of western Europe.

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How can you use the word mere in a sentence?

Mere sentence example

  1. You have a great deal of freedom for a mere slave.
  2. The mere thought filled me with terror.
  3. He was amused and she fumed, her emotions scattered by his mere presence.
  4. Really, why do you all think we mere mortals are all idiots?
  5. How can you torture me and yourself like that, for a mere fancy?

What does mere mean in place names?

What does mere mean Maori?

The mere (Māori pronunciation: [ˈmɛrɛ]) is a type of short, broad-bladed weapon in the shape of an enlarged tear drop. It was used to strike/jab an opponent in the body or the head, usually made from nephrite jade (pounamu or greenstone).

What is mere in law?

Mother. This word is frequently used; as, en ventre sa mere, which signifies a child unborn, or in the womb.

What is mer, or mere?

1. Being nothing more than what is specified: a mere child; a mere 50 cents an hour. 2. Considered apart from anything else: shocked by the mere idea. 3. Small; slight: could detect only the merest whisper. 4. Obsolete Pure; unadulterated. [Middle English, absolute, pure, from Old French mier, pure, from Latin merus .]

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What is a synonym for mere?

See more synonyms for mere on adjective, superlative mer·est. being nothing more nor better than: a mere pittance; He is still a mere child. Obsolete. pure and unmixed, as wine, a people, or a language. fully as much as what is specified; completely fulfilled or developed; absolute.

What does re mean on a word?

Re: means “in reference to” or “in regard to”. It is from the Latin word “Res”, meaning “thing”. You’ll also commonly see Re: in the subject lines of e-mail messages.

What is English mere?

Mere in English refers to a lake that is broad in relation to its depth, e.g. Martin Mere. A significant effect of its shallow depth is that for all or most of the time, it has no thermocline.