
What is Tombstone TranZit?

What is Tombstone TranZit?

Tombstone Soda is the ninth Perk-a-Cola in Zombies mode, introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops II on the map TranZit. It can only be bought and used while playing with more than one player, and it costs 2000 points.

What did tombstone do in cod?

In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the perk turns the player into a shadow in the Dark Aether armed with their weapons when downed, allowing the player to revive themselves similar to the perk Who’s Who.

How does Tombstone work in Zombies?

When you get downed, press the “use” button immediately to drop a tombstone. When you respawn, rush to the location of the tombstone, as it’ll only stay there for a very short time. When you collect it, you can get back all your weapons and perks.

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How does the new tombstone work?

Here’s how you use the Tombstone Perk: Purchase the Tombstone Perk. When you get downed, hold the “use” button to immediately die and drop a Tombstone. When you respawn, head to the location in which you dropped the Tombstone.

How does Tombstone Perk work?

How does the Tombstone perk work? When you die, you can choose to activate the perk, which respawns you in shadow form and allows you to revive yourself if you manage to reach your body. A timer keeps ticking while you try – if you fail, you die for real.

How do you use the tombstone perk?

Here’s how you use the Tombstone Perk:

  1. Purchase the Tombstone Perk.
  2. When you get downed, hold the “use” button to immediately die and drop a Tombstone.
  3. When you respawn, head to the location in which you dropped the Tombstone.
  4. Pick it up and you will get all your weapons and perks back, but not the Tombstone Perk.
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How does the Tombstone Perk work?

Is Tombstone Soda good?

We recommend using Tombstone Soda when playing with other people rather than in solo games. The viability of the perk in solo games drastically falls compared to the uses in group games. If you use the shadow and lose your health in solo games, that is game over, even if you still have a self-revive.

What does double tap do bo2?

Double Tap II Root Beer is a Perk-A-Cola in Zombies. Each use costs 2000 Points. This Perk increases the rate of fire of your weapon and doubles the bullets fired in an interesting way. This works on all weapons, excluding the RPG, Ballistic Knives, War Machine, and Ray Gun.