
What is wrong with outcome based education?

What is wrong with outcome based education?

OBE will make it virtually impossible to conduct any kind of tests that allow comparisons with students in other schools, other states, or prior years. Under OBE, grades have no relation to academic achievement and knowledge. Colleges will have no criteria by which to judge whether students are ready for admission.

Why was the OBE Criticised?

Last year, Motshekga told the National Assembly that there has been “considerable criticism of OBE” and that teachers complained of being overloaded with administrative work. Teachers will be relieved of administrative work and focus on teaching.

What challenges you might encounter when implementing outcome assessments?

3 Biggest Learning Outcomes Assessment Challenges

  • Instructor pushback. Learning Outcomes Assessment and accreditation requires a collaborative effort by administrators and instructors.
  • Getting meaningful data for reporting.
  • Aligning data to learning goals.
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What are the implications of the OBE principles in the teaching/learning process?

OBE links classroom exercises to the real world by sourcing learners’ realities as contexts of learning and teaching and by making learning a productive learner experience. Classroom activities are thus relevant to a subjective rather than to an externally perceived objective real world.

Is outcome based education effective?

Results showed that OBE approaches improves competency in knowledge acquisition in terms of higher final course grades and cognitive skills, improve clinical skills and nursing core competencies and higher behavioural skills score while performing clinical skills.

How does OBE support academic freedom?

OBE lays down a set of well-defined processes and results that students should be able to deliver by the end of the program. As to the student-centered activities themselves, OBE encourages group works so students would learn how to deal with other people, which they say is one of the traits employers look for.

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What are the challenges of assessment?

Challenges in Assessment Process

  • #1 Assessment Challenge – Grading.
  • #2 Assessment Challenge – Change in Examination Pattern.
  • #3 Assessment Challenge – Teachers Assessment Issues.
  • #4 Assessment Challenge – Technological Issues.
  • #5 Assessment Challenge – Lack of Training.
  • #6 Assessment Challenge – Cost of Investment.

What are the challenges that teachers face while implementing continuous assessment?

Findings revealed that problems of implementing constunous assessment in the study area include : Lack of well trained teachers in continuous Assessment Continuous Assessment is costly in terms of materials (M=3.76), time and energy, Continuous assessment requires up to date record keeping (M=3.67), Continuous …