
What kind of fraternity is Alpha Phi Omega?

What kind of fraternity is Alpha Phi Omega?

co-educational service fraternity
Today, Alpha Phi Omega is a national, co-educational service fraternity – college students gathered together in an organization based on fraternalism and founded on the principles of the Boy Scouts of America. Its purpose is to develop leadership, promote friendship and provide service to humanity.

Is Alpha Phi Omega a real fraternity?

Alpha Phi Omega is a national co-ed service fraternity organized to provide community service, leadership development, and social opportunities for college students. Alpha Phi Omega does not restrict its members from being members of any other organization.

What is the Masonic fraternity?

Masons are members of the largest — and what is thought to be the oldest — fraternity in the world. Freemasonry brings together men of different religious, ethnic or social backgrounds who share a belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind.

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What is the Alpha Phi Alpha smoker?

The smoker is one of the initial “tests” that the candidates will encounter in becoming members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Chapter Dues Announcement: Life Member Dues: $275. Non Life Member Dues: $425* *$275 + $150(Grand Tax)

Who can join Alpha Phi Omega?

APO is open to any undergraduate student in good academic standing, and joining APO does not conflict with your ability to join or remain a member in a Greek house. Q. What are APO’s membership requirements? To be an active member, you must complete 20 hours of service per academic semester.

When was Alpha Phi Omega Incorporated?

December 16, 1925
Alpha Phi Omega/Founded
Frank Reed Horton at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania founded Alpha Phi Omega on December 16th, 1925.

Is Jackie Robinson a member of Alpha Phi Alpha?

Jackie Robinson, Woody Strode, and Kenny Washington all pledged Alpha together (had to pledge at USC since UCLA had no chapter at the time), but Robinson didn’t finish. Reading about the first two Black NFL players being Sphinxman alongside the first Black MLB player made for a great article.

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Can Grad Students join Alpha Phi Omega?

APO is a co-ed fraternity, meaning that we are open to all gender identities. ‘Brother’ is seen as a gender-ambiguous term in APO. Students of every year and major (grad students included!) are welcome to join us!

Is Alpha Phi Omega Panhellenic?

Absolutely! Alpha Phi Omega is technically not a part of NKU’s Greek Panhellenic program. Many of our brothers are involved in social sororities and fraternities as well as APO. Any service you do can count for both organizations.