
What kind of knives are illegal in Indiana?

What kind of knives are illegal in Indiana?

At a Glance: The State of Indiana forbids the possession of ballistic knives and “Chinese throwing stars.” The possession and carry of knives is otherwise unrestricted with the exception of school grounds.

What size knife can you legally carry in Indiana?

The state of Indiana does not impose strict restrictions on the knife or blade length. Some localities of the state do not allow carrying knives with a blade longer than eight inches.

Are sheathed knives legal?

In California, Dirks and daggers and other sheath knives must be carried openly and cannot be concealed.

Is a knife in a sheath concealed?

In California, carrying a knife in a sheath is legal as long as it is otherwise not concealed. Meaning if you cover the sheathed knife on your belt with your shirt it becomes a crime as it is now considered concealed.

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Are switchblade knives illegal in Indiana?

Yes. In 2013, Gov. Mike Pence signed a law that ended a decades-old ban on switchblade knives in Indiana. A 1958 federal ban that remains in place forbids the manufacture, importation, distribution, transportation and sale of switchblades across state lines.

Are daggers legal in Indiana?

Indiana has no such limits. There is no blade or overall length law in Indiana. Additionally, the possession, display, sale, manufacture of a knife with detachable blade, according to Indiana Code 35-47-5-2, is a Class B misdemeanor.

Is a knife in a backpack concealed?

In one of those decisions, the court ruled that a knife carried in a backpack was not “on the person” of the defendant. This court ruling means that carrying a concealed weapon in your backpack or a bag without a permit is illegal, regardless of whether the gun is loaded.

Is Mace legal in Indiana?

Indiana has no laws that prohibit individuals from carrying or using pepper spray. It is legal to buy, carry, use, and ship pepper spray to Indiana.

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Is it legal to own a switchblade?

There is no federal restriction on ownership, possession or carrying of a switchblade knife. There are some states that have enacted laws regarding switchblades (see State Laws Regarding Auto-Open Knives). The majority of states allow auto-open knives.

What weapons are illegal in Indiana?

Certain weapons, such as sawed-off shotguns, armor-piercing bullets, and silencers are prohibited under Indiana’s gun control laws….The following arms are illegal to own in Indiana:

  • Machine gun.
  • Sawed-off shotgun.
  • Armor-piercing handgun ammunition.