
What method allows researchers to observe the variable of interest without interference from other variables?

What method allows researchers to observe the variable of interest without interference from other variables?

Researchers engaged in naturalistic observation usually make their observations as unobtrusively as possible so that participants are not aware that they are being studied. Such an approach is called disguised naturalistic observation.

What is the correct term for a pattern of variation that is noted in a given data set?

Variability (also called spread or dispersion) refers to how spread out a set of data is. Variability gives you a way to describe how much data sets vary and allows you to use statistics to compare your data to other sets of data. The four main ways to describe variability in a data set are: range.

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What may be considered a disadvantage of using deception in psychological research?

deception is used to avoid problems resulting from placebo effects, unreliability of self-reports, etc. -Critics argue that deception is lying, which is immoral, it may undermine individuals’ trust in others, can cause distress/embarrassment in subjects when true nature of the study is revealed.

What are the 7 psychological approaches?

Here are seven of the major perspectives in modern psychology.

  • The Psychodynamic Perspective.
  • The Behavioral Perspective.
  • The Cognitive Perspective.
  • The Biological Perspective.
  • The Cross-Cultural Perspective.
  • The Evolutionary Perspective.
  • The Humanistic Perspective.

What are the two dominant models by which modern psychologists view psychological disorders?

The psychological model and the physical model are two views of psychological disorders.

How important is it for the researcher to identify the type of variables?

Dependent and independent variables are important because they drive the research process. Dependent and independent variables are also important because they determine the cause and effects in research.

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How variable is handled or manipulated in correlational research?

Data Collection in Correlational Research Again, the defining feature of correlational research is that neither variable is manipulated. It does not matter how or where the variables are measured.

How do you determine variability?

Measures of Variability: Variance

  1. Find the mean of the data set.
  2. Subtract the mean from each value in the data set.
  3. Now square each of the values so that you now have all positive values.
  4. Finally, divide the sum of the squares by the total number of values in the set to find the variance.

What is pattern of variation?

A bimodal distribution signals that the process has a special cause of variation present. Something has changed in the process. There are operating differences between shifts, changes in processing methods, temperature and humidity differences, equipment differences, raw material changes, or other differences.

What is passive deception?

Passive deception ( or omission) is the withholding or omitting of information; the researcher intentionally does not tell participants some information about the study.

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When can psychologists use deception in their research?

Deception in psychological research is often stated as acceptable only when all of the following conditions are met: 1) no other nondeceptive method exists to study the phenomenon of interest; 2) the study makes significant contributions to scientific knowledge; 3) the deception is not expected to cause significant …