
What new ideas can you bring to student council?

What new ideas can you bring to student council?

  • Serve your community with a “Rake and Run.”
  • Make a team-themed spirit cowbell.
  • Host a virtual talent show.
  • Do a book donation project.
  • Plan a “design a mask” challenge.
  • Create a school cheer.
  • Host a virtual Senior Night.
  • Hold a Community Day.

How can we make our school safer?

Building Safer Learning Environments

  1. Building Safer Learning Environments.
  2. Construct a secure perimeter.
  3. Enact a strong visitor management program.
  4. Regulate all entrances.
  5. Leverage technology to screen visitors and control access.
  6. Install a security system.
  7. Increase situational awareness.
  8. Work with a strong team.

How do you build positive relationships in school?

6 Easy Ways to Build Relationships with Your Students

  1. Spend 1-On-1 Time with a Student.
  2. Look for Something to Comment On.
  3. Develop an Interest in Their Interests.
  4. Share Your Stories.
  5. Have a Sense of Humor.
  6. Attend Student Events.
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What can you do to promote change in your school?

You can also communicate these tips with your staff if you’re an educational leader in charge of teacher training and development.

  1. Encourage a Classroom Code of Conduct.
  2. Be a Role Model.
  3. Reinforce and Reward Positive Behaviors.
  4. Practice Mindfulness.
  5. Communicate Directly.
  6. Normalize Mistakes.
  7. Build a Positive Rapport Together.

How can we stop discrimination in schools?

This can take different forms, including:

  1. using inclusive language.
  2. including human rights, democratic citizenship and intercultural education in the curriculum.
  3. encouraging the discussion of controversial issues.
  4. promoting student voice.
  5. involving students in peer education and peer mediation activities.

How can we keep our school clean and safe?

Here are some of the common ones you can start with:

  1. Maintain a distance of at least 1-metre between everyone present at school.
  2. Implement staggered recess breaks.
  3. Avoid big groups and limit after-school activities.
  4. Have a different check-in and out time for students and teachers.
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How teachers can positively impact students?

When teachers make an intentional effort to get to know each of their students, it can foster in students a sense of belonging and connection to school—which can then build a foundation for academic success. Positive teacher-student relationships lead to increased cooperation and engagement in the classroom.