
What percentage of the Scottish electorate voted SNP in 2021?

What percentage of the Scottish electorate voted SNP in 2021?

National results

Party Constituency Regional
Votes \%
SNP 1,291,204 40.3
Conservative 592,518 23.5
Labour 584,392 17.9

What was the turnout in the Scottish election 2021?

Unionist parties achieved a slight majority of votes in constituency contests, whilst pro-independence parties did the same in the regional list votes. Voter turnout in the election reached 63.5\%, the highest-ever at a Scottish Parliament election.

How many SNP MSP’s have been elected by voters?

Just over 118,000 SNP VOTES elected ZERO SNP MSP’s. Almost 75,000 Tory votes elected 3 Tory Msp’s Almost 68,000 Labour votes elected 2 Labour Msp’s Just over 34,000 Green votes elected 2 Green MSP’s SNP RECOMMENDATION BOTH VOTES SNP MY RECOMMENDATION ONLY IF YOU LIKE ELECTING UNIONISTS. 110,000 SNP list votes elected ZERO MSP’s.

Does it make sense to use both votes SNP in Scotland?

In South Scotland it does make sense to use both votes SNP even though in current polling it looks as if only one SNP list MSP would be elected rather than the three that were in 2016. Highland is the most difficult to judge. It is marginal.

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Do people in Scotland still want independence?

Never forget that a majority of Scots still don’t want independence. Offered it, they said no. Offered it again, they’d say no again. Many are sickened by what Scotland is becoming; the jingoism, the aggression, the piousness, the division. Most of all, they’re sick of being miserable all the time.

Will there be another Scottish independence referendum in 2023?

The S.N.P. manifesto is clear on holding another referendum on Scottish independence as soon as the “ Covid crisis is over ” — late 2023 has been suggested. And if Scots have voted for a pro-independence majority, that might seem like an endorsement of that plan. The reality is more complicated.