
What rank is below Fuhrer?

What rank is below Fuhrer?

SS Rank (see notes 1 & 6 below) Translation of SS Rank (see note 3 below) American Rank
SS-Brigade Führer SS-Brigade Leader Brigadier General
SS-Ober Führer SS-Senior Leader None
SS-Standarten Führer SS-Standard Leader Colonel
SS-Ober sturm bann Führer SS-Senior Storm Command Leader Lieutenant Colonel

What rank is Oberscharführer?

Within the SA, an Oberscharführer was typically a squad leader, answering to a platoon non-commissioned officer….

Next lower rank Scharführer
Equivalent ranks Feldwebel

What rank was Hermann Goring?

Hermann Göring
Allegiance German Empire Nazi Germany
Branch/service Imperial German Army Luftstreitkräfte Sturmabteilung Luftwaffe
Years of service 1912–1918 1933–1945
Rank Reichsmarschall SA-Gruppenführer Reichsforst- und Reichsjägermeister

What does Sturmbannführer stand for?

Sturmbannführer ( [ˈʃtʊʁm.ban.fyːʀɐ], “assault unit leader”) was a Nazi Party paramilitary rank equivalent to major that was used in several Nazi organizations, such as the SA, SS, and the NSFK. Translated as “assault (or storm) unit leader” (Sturmbann being the SA and early SS equivalent to a battalion ),…

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What was the rank of a Sturmbannführer in WW2?

The insignia of a Sturmbannführer was four silver pips centered on a collar patch. The rank rated below Standartenführer until 1932, when Sturmbannführer became subordinate to the new rank of Obersturmbannführer. In the Waffen-SS, Sturmbannführer was considered equivalent to a major in the German Wehrmacht.

What is an Obersturmbannführer in the SS?

An Obersturmbannführer in the Waffen-SS. Obersturmbannführer ([ˈoːbɐ.ʃtʊʁm.ban.fyːʀɐ], “senior assault unit leader”) was a paramilitary German Nazi Party (NSDAP) rank used by both the SA and the SS. It was created in May 1933 to fill the need for an additional rank above Sturmbannführer as the SA expanded.

What are the different ranks in the German Army?

General of the Army. Field Marshall. SS-Oberst gruppen Führer. SS-Supreme Group Leader. General oberst. General. General. SS-Ober gruppen Führer. SS-Senior Group Leader.