
What rifle is best for bear protection?

What rifle is best for bear protection?

Best Bear Defense Firearms

  • Remington Model 870 Express.
  • Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan . 44 Rem Mag.
  • Marlin Model 1895 Guide.
  • Mossberg Model 500.
  • Ruger American Predator.

Is a 45-70 Good for brown bear?

45-70 has been the go-to round for Kodiak, Brown, and Polar bear for well over a century. If they could take down bears consistantly with low-pressure black powder . 45-70 ammunition and soft lead bullets, you should have no troubke dripping “Grizz” with a modern rifle using modern ammunition.

What is a Marlin 1895 rated for?

Hornady’s 325-gr. FTX is rated at 2050 f.p.s. from a 24″ barrel. In the 18.5″ barrel, actual velocity was 1745 f.p.s. The 250-gr.

What caliber is a Marlin 1895?

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The Model 1895 was chambered in a variety of large-bore black powder cartridges of the day, including the . 38-56, . 40-65, . 40-82 and the .

Are Marlin Model 1895 Big Bore lever-action rifles good for Bear defense?

Now we’re changing things up a bit and showing you the range of Marlin Model 1895 Big Bore Lever-Action Rifles. Not everyone wants just a handgun, and a rifle is a solid, traditional, and logical choice for bear defense. Many of you might want a rifle potentially for hunting, as well as defense against Grizzlies.

What kind of bullet is in a 1895 Marlin pistol?

In a Marlin 1895 lever-action Guide Gun this is handy, reliable, fast fire power. At 1,800 fps M.V., Hornady’s 350-grain flat-point 45-70 Govt. load is hauling 2,518 f-p energy. The short bullet’s S.D. is .238. That suggests its going to smack hard, but not necessarily penetrate all that far.

What is the best bullet for bear protection in Alaska?

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A lot of Alaskan’s swear by the 45-70 Govt. with a 300- to 350-grain bullet for bear protection. In a Marlin 1895 lever-action Guide Gun this is handy, reliable, fast fire power. At 1,800 fps M.V., Hornady’s 350-grain flat-point 45-70 Govt. load is hauling 2,518 f-p energy. The short bullet’s S.D. is .238.

Is this Marlin rifle good for hunting and defense against Grizzlies?

Many of you might want a rifle potentially for hunting, as well as defense against Grizzlies. This Marlin is a high-quality answer for those needs, as it’s made to handle large games with no issues. What’s on offer?