
What shotgun has the highest rate of fire?

What shotgun has the highest rate of fire?

Fostech Outdoors’s Origin-12 is a beast of a weapon and may be the fastest cycling shotgun in the world. The gas powered build of the Origin-12 allows it to unleash hell at an insane rate of fire — if your trigger finger can keep up.

How many bullets does an Uzi shoot per second?

Some Uzi models are capable of firing up to 1,700 rounds per minute, or almost 30 rounds per second, according to the manufacturer’s website.

How many bullets is a round?

They contain only one bullet in a single cartridge, while some may contain many bullets. Some people only place one bullet over another in a cartridge. It may work only in close range.

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How many rounds does a gun fire in a minute?

If you mean how fast can someone pull the trigger, it varies from person to person but I think 3–4 times per second seems reasonable so that would put it at 204 rounds per minute. But that’s not realistic. Heres why; The weapon only continues to fire if there is a live round ready to be chambered for the following shot.

How fast can a shotgun shoot 150 rounds per minute?

There are one or two drum fed shotguns that probably can theoretically shoot 150 rounds per minute, but practically won’t due to the weight of the ammo. A five round pump can shoot five rounds in probably five seconds, then another 15 to reload it. That depends enromously on the gun itself. A. How fast it can be loaded.

How many rounds does it take to reload in 15 seconds?

That reload will take about five seconds, unless you are VERY fast. So that’s 30 rounds in 15 seconds (effective fire rate of 120 rounds per minute, not 180). Few people will retain that fire rate through the a full minute, probably slowing to closer to two rounds per second by the end.

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How many rounds can a drum fed shotgun shoot per minute?

There are one or two drum fed shotguns that probably can theoretically shoot 150 rounds per minute, but practically won’t due to the weight of the ammo.