
What should I study for optional PSIR?

What should I study for optional PSIR?

PSIR Optional Paper 2

  • Globalization of world politics.
  • Newspaper articles on global politics (The Hindu, The Indian Express)
  • Model answers of test papers.

Who got highest marks in PSIR optional UPSC?

Yes, “Political Science and International Relations” as an optional subject for UPSC does have its own pros which are pretty high in number.

  • Pooja Ranawat got the highest marks of 319 in Political Science and her rank was 258.
  • How do you write an optional PSIR answer?

    Answer writing While writing PSIR answers it should include interlinking , suitable introduction, Body and Conclusion. Practice as many as questions ,join good test series for political science.

    What is PSIR subject?

    Political Science & International Relations or PSIR is one of the popular UPSC optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Exam. Political Science and International Relations introduces you to one of the complex subjects and for an aspiring bureaucrat, it is one of the most useful subjects to learn.

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    How do you prepare for polity optional?

    Booklist for Political Science optional

    1. Introduction to Political Theory – O P Gauba.
    2. Global Politics – Andrew Heywood.
    3. Political Theory – Rajeev Bhargava.
    4. A History Of Political Thought: Plato To Marx – Mukherjee and Susheela Ramaswamy.
    5. Foundations of Indian Political Thought – V R Mehta.

    How do you handle PSIR?

    PSIR Optional Tips by toppers:

    1. Attempt all the questions- Writing 3 average answers is better than writing one excellent answer.
    2. Practice writing as much as possible and get suggestions from experts.
    3. Practice writing with strict time.

    Is political science important for UPSC?

    Political Science and International Relations is one of the optional subjects offered by the UPSC in the mains exam. Political science is one of the most informative and necessary subjects for any civil service exam aspirant looking forward to getting into the government as a civil servant.

    What is PSIR Upsc?