
What type of catalysis occurs in catalytic converter?

What type of catalysis occurs in catalytic converter?

The catalytic converter is also an example of surface catalysis, where the reactant molecules are adsorbed onto a solid surface before they react with the catalyst to form the product. The rate of a surface-catalyzed reaction increases with the surface area of catalyst in contact with the reactants.

What does carbon monoxide react with in the catalytic converter on a car exhaust?

The exhaust systems of cars are fitted with catalytic converters. The reactions in catalytic converters: convert carbon monoxide (which is toxic) into carbon dioxide. convert nitrogen oxides (which cause acid rain) into nitrogen and oxygen.

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How do catalysts in catalytic converters work?

Catalytic converters contain catalysts – chemicals which speed up the process of chemical reactions, which themselves do not change during this process. Catalysts break down the harmful exhaust gases coming from the engine by separating the atoms which make up these molecules.

Is an example of catalytic reaction?

The manufacture of epoxyethane from ethene Because the solid silver is catalysing a gas reaction, this is an example of heterogeneous catalysis. The reaction is exothermic and the temperature has to be carefully controlled to prevent further oxidation of the ethene to carbon dioxide and water.

What happens to a catalyst in a reaction?

A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy without being used up in the reaction. After the reaction occurs, a catalyst returns to its original state and so catalysts can be used over and over again.

Which reaction does not take place in a catalytic converter?

redox reactions
The catalytic converter is a sensitive device with precious metals coating the inside. Without these metals, the redox reactions cannot occur.

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Which type of reaction is catalytic reaction?

Catalyzed reactions are typically used to accelerate the rate by which a specific chemistry proceeds. Essentially, the action of the catalyst is to provide an alternative, lower energy pathway for the reaction. For this to occur, the catalytic substance interacts with a reactant and forms an intermediate compound.

Which of the following is a catalytic reaction?

Which of the following is a catalytic poison? Explanation: Aluminium oxide is known for its sophisticated properties and is mainly used in the process of corrosion preventing it absorbs moisture and has high retentivity and hence is used as a catalytic poison.