
What was Richard Feynman like as a person?

What was Richard Feynman like as a person?

You know, in many ways, Feynman was a loner. Other than for social reasons, he really didn’t like to work with other people. And he was mostly interested in his own work. He didn’t read or listen too much; he wanted the pleasure of doing things himself.

What can we learn from Richard Feynman?

Richard Feynman’s lessons for life (and leaders)

  • Work hard.
  • What others think of you is none of your business.
  • It’s OK not to have all the answers.
  • Experiment, fail, learn and repeat.
  • Knowledge comes from experience.
  • Imagination is important.
  • Do what interests you the most.
  • Stay curious.

Was Richard Feynman a good professor?

Richard Feynman was also a shameless and highly-effective self-promoter as Bill Gates notes, quoting the Nobel Prize winning physicist, Caltech professor, Feynman colleague and rival Murray Gell-Mann: “Feynman was a great scientist, but he spent a great deal of his effort generating anecdotes about himself.”

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How did Richard Feynman do in school?

Feynman graduated from Far Rockaway High School in Queens, and while still a high school student, he taught himself trigonometry, advanced algebra, analytic geometry and calculus. He always excelled in subjects related to math and science, and he won the New York University Math Championship for high school students.

How did Richard Feynman contribution to Physics?

Scientific Contributions Feynman won his 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in quantum electrodynamics, a formula well known for its accurate predictions, which combines his path integral formulation and his Feynman diagrams.

How smart is Richard Feynman?

Feynman was universally regarded as one of the fastest-thinking and most creative theorists in his generation. Yet, it has been reported-including by Feynman himself-that he only obtained a score of 125 on a school IQ test.

Was Feynman good at school?