
What will nitroglycerin do to a healthy person?

What will nitroglycerin do to a healthy person?

Nitroglycerin works by relaxing smooth muscle within the walls of blood vessels (particularly veins) which dilates (widens) them. This helps to relieve chest pain that is caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels, and also reduces how hard the heart has to work to pump blood around the body, reducing blood pressure.

Should not take nitroglycerin?

You should not take nitroglycerin if: You have taken the maximum amount of short-acting nitroglycerin prescribed by your doctor. You know your blood pressure is very low.

What happens if I take a nitroglycerin pill?

Normal, temporary side effects of nitroglycerin include a warm or flushed feeling, headache, dizziness, or lightheadedness. You may also feel a burning sensation under your tongue. Do not take an erection-enhancing medicine if you are taking nitroglycerin.

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Will nitroglycerin kill you?

In addition, prolonged exposure to nitroglycerin may inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2), an enzyme that may have a significant cardioprotective role during cardiac events. Administration of nitroglycerin to a patient with right sided heart failure will kill the patient.

What does it mean if nitroglycerin does not relieve chest pain?

Nitroglycerin. If you typically use nitroglycerin to relieve angina and if one dose of nitroglycerin has not relieved your symptoms within 5 minutes, call 911. Do not wait to call for help.

How long does a nitro pill last?

The effects of nitrates taken under the tongue, as sublingual nitroglycerin, only last about 5 to 10 minutes or so. Longer-lasting nitroglycerin and other nitrate compounds also can be taken to prevent angina — chest pain. Chest pain or pressure can occur when the heart is not getting enough blood.

Does nitro make your heart race?

More serious side effects include flushing of the head and neck can occur with nitroglycerin therapy as can an increase in heart rate or palpitations. This can be associated with a drop in blood pressure which can be accompanied by dizziness or weakness.

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What does it mean if nitroglycerin gives you a headache?

Nitroglycerin works in the heart arteries by opening up those arteries and allowing more blood to flow through. That’s how it can be useful to relieve chest pain. As a side effect, though, that same sort of opening up of blood vessels can occur in the head and the brain, and this is what can lead to a headache.

What kind of pain does nitroglycerin decrease?

Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets are used to treat episodes of angina (chest pain) in people who have coronary artery disease (narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart). It is also used just before activities that may cause episodes of angina in order to prevent the angina from occurring.

Should I go to hospital for angina?

Stable angina symptoms should go away with rest or medicine. If they don’t go away, call 911! Stable angina symptoms last for only a few minutes. If they last longer than that, or if they go away and come back, you may be having a heart attack.