
What would happen if 90\% of the electrons emitted in NPN transistor?

What would happen if 90\% of the electrons emitted in NPN transistor?

Given :- 90\% of emitted electrons reach the collector; hence 0.9 × Ie = Ic, where Ie and Ic are emitter and collector current respectively.

What percentage of current in an NPN transistor reaches from emitter to the collector?

In n-p-n transistor circuit the collector current is 10 mA. If 90\% of the electrons emitted reach to the collector, find the base current and emitter current. Given, an n-p-n transistor….Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits.

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

What percentage of the emitter current is the collector current?

The strength of the field is proportional to the collector battery voltage. Thus 99\% of the emitter current flows into the collector. It is controlled by the base current, which is 1\% of the emitter current.

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What are the majority current carriers in a PNP transistor?

The emitter provides the majority charge carriers, which are holes. Hence in pnp transistors, majority carriers are holes. In npn transistors majority carriers are electrons.

What is the collector current in this circuit?

The collector current, along with the base current, is a product of the energy produced through the emitter circuit, which is divided at the base current’s generation through the transistor. The DC voltage then flows through the circuit and it is applied to the base current from the circuit’s transistor.

Is emitter current equal to collector current?

In any configuration biased in the linear region, collector current is almost equal to emitter current. This is because of the large current gain of a bipolar transistor. So very little base current causes a very large collector to emitter current.